


//angry intro or curious intro? We can put her in America to make it more realistic that they’d meet. In that case, she waitresses at a cafe in the day and cleans a grocery store at night


“   come on will,  i’m a perfectly nice guy that you just have to work with.  nothing wrong with that.      “ 


@kiIIstags                                                     he was leaning against his desk, arm placed on on with a slight eye roll as he watched the man.  lips curled into a frown as some seemed to watch the man with curiosity.  he was from gotham, bruce wayne’s favorite child.   rich yet he hardly looked the part all sure he had daddy on speed dial.  he didn’t, he did his brother though.   his head titled with a brow raised a soft breath leaving his lips,
             “    I guess coming with me?     “ he asked as he finally moved off of the desk, arms stretching over his head.     blue eyes making their way as he smiled warmly,  sarcasm.           “    and just call me jason.  mr.todd sounds too formal.    “ 
            it sounded too much like alfred, alfred scolding him with a frown on his face.   even sounded like bruce.     he fixed the brown leather jacket over his black shirt, zipping it up slightly.   army pants with combat boots to make him seem like he was in the military.  he wasn’t but the training he had gotten could have stated he went through something similar at least. 


@REDROUGES                    “ and i dont trust you entirely , Mr. Todd . Youll have to forgive me my reservations .” He quipped, eyes scanning over the email Aesir had sent over , the mans prim and proper dialect making the specialists eyes roll . He can practically hear his best friends accented tone through the computer screen , his tone would be equal parts professional and scolding . He would have to buy him a drink sometime . He owed the white haired man , this information was valuable . “ say , are you free to run me an errand ? I have to get this to Crawford .” 