
I'm re-watching glitter force for the 1249484895489219th time cause it's W


Hiya guys, gals, and non-binary pals! So the question of the day issss....when did you lose and innocence and how? I'll start. I lost mines when I was 7. How? Well I heard the p word in class. No not the peewee one. The one that rhymes with corn. So I looked it up and at the time I was getting into sailor moon so of course I looked it up on the search bar and...well you know what happened after that. Plus I have a reward! For each question of the day I will see which one is the most interesting! What's the reward you ask? You'll get to be in my new book and get a follow from me! What? That's not good enough? Well what did you expect? A body pillow of your favorite character/person? Well I've been way of track so I gotta go! Bye my starlings~!