
ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
I’m so done. I somehow manage to mess everything up. I messed up a friendship that meant a lot to me and that person won’t even do as much as reply to all of the apology messages I send her. I know it’s Christmas and tonight is the MCR reunion and I really should feel happy, but I don’t. I feel like total shit and all I want to do right now put a bullet through my head. Everything is my fault. I’m just done. I’m tired to the same thing every day. I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I want my friend back. I want my happiness back. I want my life back. Like when everything was easy and I didn’t feel like dying every second of the day. I realize that this is dramatic as fuck but this is what I feel. I’m sorry for this.


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
I’m so done. I somehow manage to mess everything up. I messed up a friendship that meant a lot to me and that person won’t even do as much as reply to all of the apology messages I send her. I know it’s Christmas and tonight is the MCR reunion and I really should feel happy, but I don’t. I feel like total shit and all I want to do right now put a bullet through my head. Everything is my fault. I’m just done. I’m tired to the same thing every day. I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I want my friend back. I want my happiness back. I want my life back. Like when everything was easy and I didn’t feel like dying every second of the day. I realize that this is dramatic as fuck but this is what I feel. I’m sorry for this.


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Hey hey hey hey it’s ok. Don’t EVER feel sorry for your emotions. If someone isn’t responding to your apologies, fuck them. That’s their fault, not yours. Not everything is your fault, and it’s ok to not feel okay. <3<3


Hey... so it’s been a while. Things haven’t gotten any better with my mental health and I’m pretty close to the edge... I just would like to say goodbye.. no I’m not gonna die I’m just gonna take a break until I’m at least a little better. Um... yeah... bye


Ok. Take as long as you need, if it’s for your mental health. Take care of yourself, dude, and stay alive. We all care about you here <3<3


I’m ready to end my life.


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@kill_me_plz- Holy shit I just realized I got your username wrong this whole time I’m so sorry but please stay alive, you’re worth it, please talk to someone, you can even talk to me!


this message may be offensive
@kill_me_plz- No no no! Please don't end your life. You're worth so much. You deserve life. You deserve everything in the world. I know we don't know each other very well, I know that you deserve to live. I know you deserve more than I do. I know you deserve everything. And if you can't see that in yourself, get a better mirror. Look closer. Because there's so much inside you that is amazing. So much inside you that people love. Don't give up. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You may be depressed, you may be anxious, but every storm runs out of rain. Every heart break runs out of pain. Every dark night will turn to day. Just like every problem has a solution. You have depression, anxiety, any mental disorder, you can solve those problems. You may have to have professional help, but you can get better. Suicide is not the answer. You have people who care for you. Please, stay strong, and don't kill yourself.


I’m trying. I really am. I’m trying to stay alive. It’s just hard...


            Thank you for trying.
            We just need you to hold on a bit longer.
            Remember, the darkest hour comes just before the dawn.
            I was in the exact same spot as where you are now, but it gets better. Take that from someone with the experience.
            No one said living was going to be easy, but nobody said it'd be hard either. Just stay strong and pull through. Stay alive for us, and never let them take the light behind your eyes ❤️
            Gun Blade xoxo


Somebody just let me go. I don’t belong here. I should be happy right? Then please. Let me leave this world.


@kill_me_plz- You don't have to be happy all the time. You don't deserve to die! So many people love you. I may not know you well, but I can tell you're an amazing person who deserves to live! There are people who care!
            <3 Arden <3


@kill_me_plz I know how you feel, I’m feeling the exact same way right now. But it’s okay, just keep pushing through and maybe we’ll make it... I’m sorry, I wanted to say more but I can’t find the words. Just stay alive please, fren