
Hey guys...sorry am not reading most of your books, I am in boarding school and phones aren't allowed sooo..m just in an IT class right now,just waiting to  do my final exams in October. Have a nice time ya'll.


Heiya! I hope you’re having a wonderful day.   I have no idea how on Earth you find ATWW but THANK YOU for giving it a chance ♡ I truly appreciate your support especially when I know how it feels like to have none ♡ 


Hi guys, happy new year. I've not been present for sometime but am back. Yesterday was my birthday, Am 18 now, cannot believe it. Anyway, how are you all doing?


@kimaye256 Happy new year to you. And happy birthday ❤✨ *cuts a slice of cake*


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


@ScarlettBlackDaisy I just wanted to thank you for writing a story that's so touching. A story where none of the characters is totally perfect but you bring out the best of them from their imperfections. So many people out there are fighting wars in their minds, fighting themselves just like Xav does. It is really good that you tried to bring out the secrets of a tortured human mind rather than this story being a cliche of a weird high school girl and a bad boy going through their adolescent stage of a love-hate relationship. you've really touched my heart ,thanks I'll be sure to also focus more on the emotional side of the characters in my book too. Good day. BTW, you can also check out my book, it's my first, and it's called Truthers and Liars. Lots of love, Kim.


Thanks for the follow


@ibby_gal I would check out your book when I'm free. Could you check out mine too?