
Remember when writers would put gifs in books! Like what was up with that?!?!?


I have officially cancelled this book I will leave the book up to read but will no longer be updating the book.Thank you to everyone who supported me and that book I really appreciated it and I hope you stay tuned for my other works, But I will not be updating se·le·na anymore for the time being.
          Thanks all for now and good day 


Okay so I've been holding this in for a while but there is going to be a sequel to White Rosés with all black characters I haven't thought of any titles yet but it's going to be just like White Rosés or in the same universe or something like that so if you have any name suggestions comment below (I will mention and credit you in the book) 


Hey everyone I just want to start this off with a thank you I would not have come this far without you guys and your votes I'm very grateful for everyone that read, liked even if you didn't like WR I still want to thank you.
          To A year with White Rosés ┌(・。・)┘♪( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)( ꈍᴗꈍ) 
          Again thank you guys sm and merry Christmas