
Happy New year my babies 
          	Thanks for being there for me ❤
          	Thank you for all your love and support 
          	I really don't deserve this. 
          	Keep supporting Mellifluous pls ❤
          	May this year be filled with love and happiness. 
          	Ngl I enjoyed my 2020 no cap xD
          	I'm done with my pre-boards so I'll start updating soon 


Happy New year my babies 
          Thanks for being there for me ❤
          Thank you for all your love and support 
          I really don't deserve this. 
          Keep supporting Mellifluous pls ❤
          May this year be filled with love and happiness. 
          Ngl I enjoyed my 2020 no cap xD
          I'm done with my pre-boards so I'll start updating soon 


Hi! I hope you're doing fine. Just wanted to say something:
          Stay safe.❤
          Stay healthy.❤
          Take care.❤
          Good times will come soon to all of us.❤
          7 cute men in Seoul, South Korea love you so much.❤


@ghazalaamjad74 heyoooo thank you so much :))))) ^o^~♥~~♥~~♥~


BE is home for those who listen these this year.  It's so soothing and comforting :(( I just can't stop listening to life goes on and telepathy. 
          The whole is so freaking beautiful :)))
          Please keep streaming we need to break our own record!!!! 


My cousins are here for dinner ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
          I hate them except for one tho hehehegeghegee
           Are you enjoying your Halloween party? 
          In Nagaland , we have cosplay competitions every year but this year bc of corona no cosplay event :((
          Also I posted a new poem for those who are going through hard times please don't forget to check :)


Wait am I really reading anime ffs fuckkkkkkkkkkk ╯﹏╰╭∩╮
          Do you guys watch anime? If yes what's your favorite one? 


@yourlocalbyuntae oh I see (´ε` )♡


@xxxhshxxx I love every single anime but I love studio ghibli movies more :)))