
this message may be offensive
Hi , my lovely readers, first of all sorry for not updating ...I am not okay I mean mentally I am very depressed and I feel like I am just worthless piece of shit because no one care I mean no one and I accept from people to atleast they treat me like a human but they think I am not human and they always hurt my feelings but I am also human and I get hurt too ...and I am just doing so hard to not give up , sometime I forget I can speak .....I don't know how to put my inner thoughts in words because I don't have a single person whom I can talk , you know I can't even do a normal conversation because no one listen , no one care ...and here I am disturbing you with my problems hmm... 
          	About my book I will update it next month because I am not feeling okay mentally and physically both...and my exams are also held in this month so I will start writing after this month .so take care of yourself and love yourself and I love you too


@kimlilyroy288 oh , I am so sorry to hear that . I hope you know that I am free to talk to whenever you want and I promise you this will get better with time . Trust yourself to pass through this phase bravely . I do believe in you and all the best for your exams . Do your best don't worry about the results ❤️❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
Hi , my lovely readers, first of all sorry for not updating ...I am not okay I mean mentally I am very depressed and I feel like I am just worthless piece of shit because no one care I mean no one and I accept from people to atleast they treat me like a human but they think I am not human and they always hurt my feelings but I am also human and I get hurt too ...and I am just doing so hard to not give up , sometime I forget I can speak .....I don't know how to put my inner thoughts in words because I don't have a single person whom I can talk , you know I can't even do a normal conversation because no one listen , no one care ...and here I am disturbing you with my problems hmm... 
          About my book I will update it next month because I am not feeling okay mentally and physically both...and my exams are also held in this month so I will start writing after this month .so take care of yourself and love yourself and I love you too


@kimlilyroy288 oh , I am so sorry to hear that . I hope you know that I am free to talk to whenever you want and I promise you this will get better with time . Trust yourself to pass through this phase bravely . I do believe in you and all the best for your exams . Do your best don't worry about the results ❤️❤️❤️


Hi my lovely readers, sorry for not updating next chapters , actually the reason is it's my cousin sister's wedding and I don't get time to write but don't worry I will update tomorrow so till then be happy and stay safe 
          I love you all❤


@kimlilyroy288 That's totally fine . Hope you enjoy and love you ❤️


@kimlilyroy288 it's okay Authornim, take your time 


I posted two chapters now I am too tired and i have an exam too and I have to study I will update whenever I get time so plz give me some of your support because your author is also a overthinker 


@kimlilyroy288 don't worry take your time and update on your free time......we love you just the way you're baby.....mwahhhhhhh ❤☺