
Hello sweetheart sekaliannnn!!!
          	Sweet Like Honey Remake dah di-up for 2 parts right now!
          	Thank you for waiting! <3
          	Baru ada masa sikit nak tulis T^T... Sibuk sikit dengan rl sampai lupa nak tulis aiyooooo....
          	THANK YOUUUUUUUU <3
          	Jangan lupa baca!
          	Kalau suka, bole letak lam private library XD
          	Komen pon boleeee<3
          	InshaAllah HIEEEEEEEEE


Hello sweetheart sekaliannnn!!!
          Sweet Like Honey Remake dah di-up for 2 parts right now!
          Thank you for waiting! <3
          Baru ada masa sikit nak tulis T^T... Sibuk sikit dengan rl sampai lupa nak tulis aiyooooo....
          Jangan lupa baca!
          Kalau suka, bole letak lam private library XD
          Komen pon boleeee<3
          InshaAllah HIEEEEEEEEE


Thank you all for making my [Sweet Like Honey] now 5K views!! It was the story when I was 15 so I am sorry if it was too immature! 
          Btw thank you all dears!! Stay home and take care of yourselves okay?
          Love you all!
          ( I am still have one unpublished story. Full english and horror genre but it will be publish as soon as possible! So Stay tuned! )
          (⌐■-■) Rin


@kimtaerin_229 i know its late right now but i wanna say congrats bestie ^^ ahh.. And also disebabkan English aku berterabur aku nk ckp yg thanks for writing that sweet story ><