
*      ceebee frens 


you two       —are expecting a babe! 


@iolnathe      how did you..  [ he keeps his guarded front, a slight furrow in his brows. yet, the king remembers his formalities and with all pure reluctance, urged a smile on to his face]    we..  are,  yes 


ah, i do not believe it!     i have never been happier. never, ever! 


i got it..  


@kingsarc     [  shifting the box’s weight from her right hip to the left, she raises an eyebrow. ]  it is filled with nothing but old letters, vinny. i’ll be fine..  if anyone needs to be worrying about stress it’s you.  you seemed a little more on edge than usual at today’s meeting..  if it was about the suggestion that was made—- i honestly didn’t think it was /that/ bad. 


@sinicides    [ still he is at her side, like a guard dog of sorts. watching her every move. hands at the ready] I’ve been reading [ he mutters, tilting his head ] and books never lie.   soon to be mothers are to not do anything that would strain or cause them stress 


it’s just a box, i can carry it, vincent 


don’t you get lonely?  


@kingsarc  i’m pleased that you’ve asked!  my suggestion would be to find someone to occupy (some) of your time.  it’d be nice to see you out and about rather than here all day.  but you /are/ king, so i guess it wouldn’t be all that fitting to have you frolicking with civilians.. and i’m sure you’ll have some arranged or treaty marriages coming your way soon.


@vilewoven     daybreaker is  only a precaution i need to be at the ready as it is expected of me [   with that, he gave a slight glance to the sword on his hip, clenching his jaw and readjusting his weight on his footing]  but since you’ve brought up the topic,  what do you suggest i.. do with myself.     besides.. /this/


@kingsarc   you are definitely both..  but whatever you say.   and well,  yes!  listen with the way you grip onto your sword—- i have a right to be a tad bit cautious around you. which one again..  feeds into the brooding-ness.  


have you ran into brandar yet?  


@sinicides      he is..  meant to be at the school, what’s he doing all they way over here    ??    


he was looking for you earlier


you’re soon to be a   ..what?


@kingsarc     the mesyrs knowledge alone would put her to the torch,  nobody else’s.  [she narrows her eyes slightly as he searches for any of the right words to say,  which certainly took him a minute.  upon him staring ahead at the wall,  her head bowed some to stare below at the table before her,  fingertips gentle drumming against the dark wood of the chair she had found interest in grasping.  while it was surely against their morals for any type of premarital conception,  those who were not a mesyr had grown rather empathetic and understanding to the matter]   i’d say you speak to mother on the matter,   for she would know how to go about it better than you.  i’m certain with the right delivery on your end,  she will waste no time in aiding to protect the life of your unborn child and its mother and keeping it a secret in the meantime.   but i want to know—  not as a subject of your council,  but as your sister you truly love the girl?  or was it a mere act of lust that earned you the title as a father


@khalqrc     [ he looks like a fish by the way his mouth open and shuts, desperately searching for words that would not come as quickly as he needed them to.  exhaling, he further slouched in the chair, finding a newfound interest  in the wall in front of him]    i feel like an idiot.   never mind what this all means for me—- if the mesyrs find out, or anyone for that matter..      it could put athena in danger 


[it took everything in her power to not let out even a subtle giggle,  but it was getting more difficult as time past and the wine she had previously consumed had worked its way through her system.  clearing her throat some,  she reaches forward to hold onto the back of the chair adjacent to his,  staring at him for any possible emotion other than annoyance]   and exactly do you feel about it?


*    cb pookinators


sit!  i have some very good news. 


[his hand moves so that their fingers would entwine,  raising his brows and staring with pure admiration at her excitement for even the smallest of things. usually, the life cycle of flowers weren’t all that important to him. yet her enthusiasm somehow persuaded the king into being just as happy about the outcome as she was]       a floral wedding.  that is what you want?  i’ll see to make it happen  @sinicides


[  she leans over, placing a hand atop of his.  ]  the petunias have grown in and so have the dahlias!   ..    i want to have a summer wedding ceremony,    vincent.   


@sinicides      do you? [he can’t help that he is already smiling at her excitement. for once he settles his sword down (against his chair and still within reach but not on his hip any longer) and sits right in front of her] 