
this message may be offensive
I guess I missed the memo. Wattpad is now for groomers seeking minors, minors seeking groomers, sexting, dick and pussy pics blah dee fucking blah. Maybe I should move my story elsewhere. I certainly don't have interest in your stupid ass bullshit people.


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I guess I missed the memo. Wattpad is now for groomers seeking minors, minors seeking groomers, sexting, dick and pussy pics blah dee fucking blah. Maybe I should move my story elsewhere. I certainly don't have interest in your stupid ass bullshit people.


A Pact with Benefits is caught up, publishing to writing. Next chapter may take some time. For this, I apologize.
          I am going to be doing the IkePrince story, and am in the mapping stage. I talked my editor into playing the game and again, editing/arc building/character building and what not, so if you like Pact, you should enjoy the Princes as well. The first thing my editor said to me was: "MC needs a backbone". So, be prepared to get sassy. No one escapes my editor's smart ass mouth. Even Chev. <3


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Does anyone play Ikemen Prince: Beauty and her Beast? If so, would you be interested in a smuttttt? Reverse harem, pining, fighting for your love kinda shit? If so, whose your favorite boy?


Might I recommend a read? In my library is a book called report them please. It's basically screenshots spotlighting some trolls (some are one person with multiple accounts). I would highly recommend blocking these people before they decide to target you. I'd hate to see any of my followers bothered by these asshats.


Hi omg i just wanted to say i love the obey me book youve written, i find it interesting and a more accurate? Version of the characters, keep up the good work ^^


@BeelsPookieBear Thank you so much! A lot of the credit goes to my amazing editor, a psych major and amazing character reader. I am glad you are enjoying.


This isn't a dating site, you guys. Nor is it a place to share nudes. Omfg. Please understand that you never really know if you're engaging a minor online. This site has no real system to prove the age of the people who engage you. I can say I'm 80 if I wanted. It doesn't mean it is true. There's some sick bastards on this site. Coming from a smut writer? That's pretty bad.


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@ObsidianGhost1 seriously. Red flags that do not think about consequences. Destructive to others. No fucks given. There's a difference between smut and disgusting shock value bullshit. Wattpad does not seem to care, either.


@kinkgrl69 for real  horny? Go somewhere where there aren't minors ffs. There are sites for that. This site is for actual writers  ‍♂️