

HEY HEY HEY! I just uploaded the sixth chapter of SHM! Oh yeah! This chapter is the longest chapter I ever write! And a special chapter just for you! Happy Valentine's Day but yeah.. Maybe I can save this chapter for next year and repost it on my social media ;) Sorry if I took too long to upload :(( School just started so yeah, not much time to write :( But don't worry! Since my country did rotation and we take turns going to school, I have a week of going to school and a week of lazing at home every month! Hooray! Now, sit back and enjoy my special chapter ♡(ӦvӦ。)


*SPOILERS* I'm writing about valentine's day in the next chapter! Do you have any idea on valentine? I don't celebrate valentine's day so I don't know much about it... Sorry.. I hope you could give some ideas and plots about valentine's day (~ ̄³ ̄)~


@LOS3RZXX Umm.. I don't have any experience on writing smut and idk how to write one... I'm afraid to write smut so maybe not.. Sorry... 


Hi Hi! Just wanna ask, should I continue my fanfic or not? Because yeah, the school just started and I'm in the middle of losing my mind and temper because of homeworks as tall as burj khalifa given by my teachers :) *Smile in Pain* gold edition XD I'm currently working on my fanfic but still halfway done so I'm asking for your opinion if I should continue it or not as I'm lazy and my idea suddenly stuck ;) If I continue it, will you read it? :( Yeah, I'm currently obsessed with my local comics as the characters are so handsome :) And I left kurokura for a month or so I guess.. Now I started to miss them.. Okay tell me if I should continue or not ok?


@Timikush Okie dokie bestie! Thank you soooo much for your comment UwU 


Bye everyone~ I'm going to school tomorrow..
          Wish me luck  I don't know if I could handle my stressness of hating going to school
          I don't know why I don't like going to school 
          Ok bye~~~


@Timikush Hehe thank you ( ˘ ³˘)♥ Actually I'm back from school now hehehe.. Nothing special happen.. hmmm weird.. ( •_• )


May I know..  if you're an artist or can draw, could you please.... Draw the cover of my fanfic pls?.. I know that my current cover is edited and it's illegal so I decided to use a legal cover but since I'm soooo lack and untalented in drawing, I have to find someone to draw it for me... I'm not forcing anyone but I will be very grateful if you could voluntarily draw it and give it as a gift and support for me.. Yeah, TBH, I am terrible at drawing but I really want to have someone who could collab with me and draw for me.. So, if you're interested, please let me know ya.. Love you so much! 
          ( ˘ ³˘)♥


@koolxz- Yes! Sure thing! Ganbatte kudasai! And thank you soooo much again ❤️


i'll give you my discord if you want, because Wattpad doesn't allow pictures..hehe


sure! and don't worry, i'll try my best!


HELLO my dear besties and followers! I just changed my story cover! Hahaha! My ultimate masterpiece! I hope my story will get more readers and votes after this... And I will get many followers too...