
Chapter 8 is posted for Acquainted. phew. 
          	So, my brain needs a little break from writing all the smut I have been writing the last couple of weeks. So chapter 9 will be updated next week sometime. 
          	I will be working on other stories but ones without smut. I won't be updating anything as I need my brain power to recoup. The stories I most likely will be working on during this little smut writing break are future stories. 
          	Thank you all for being so patient with me.
          	Anyways, happy reading!


@kitkate1331 HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Also today is my birthday. So I will be enjoying my day with my kids. I may get some writing in at some point.


Chapter 8 is posted for Acquainted. phew. 
          So, my brain needs a little break from writing all the smut I have been writing the last couple of weeks. So chapter 9 will be updated next week sometime. 
          I will be working on other stories but ones without smut. I won't be updating anything as I need my brain power to recoup. The stories I most likely will be working on during this little smut writing break are future stories. 
          Thank you all for being so patient with me.
          Anyways, happy reading!


@kitkate1331 HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Also today is my birthday. So I will be enjoying my day with my kids. I may get some writing in at some point.


With it being Gemini season and as a Gemini I tend to have a flair for dramatics during this time. I wanted to make this quick announcement, that I will be working on the last 4 chapters of Acquainted. 
          I will release them when I have finished them.
          No other updates will be happening until after this chapters are done.
          Sorry if you are waiting for other stories but I felt challenged *cue evil laugh*.
          Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day and happy reading whatever you decided to read today! 


@kitkate1331 HAPPY GEMINI SEASON ❤️


Chapter 5 of Acquainted is out along with my first non BTS one shot: Striking A Chord.
          It's a WonGyu pairing. I hope you all enjoy!
          Happy Reading!


@KariMoon6 I'm glad you liked it.


@kitkate1331 just read it and loved it!


@knjwritess strikes again by tagging me for another award to enter. I decided to enter I Wanna Be Yours. Low key excited but anxious. Good luck to other authors that decide to enter. 


*wipes tears* Well I'm sad to say it but Wild At Heart is now completed. Thank you all for all the love and support you have given this story. I'm sure with where it ended will leave some of you mad at me but alas that is something I should be used to.
          Looking forward: I have three stories I will be focusing on for updates.
          These two are closing to being done:
          ~I Wanna Be Yours~ (this is a story I nominated for an award)
          This story isn't close to being done but I also have nominated this one for an award:
          ~Lost Without You
          Happy Reading!
          P.S. Tissues!!!


@dahliabeeeee You dont have to apologize. It makes me giggle when I get notifications like that. Means my story is getting enjoyed. I'm glad you like it. I just posted the last two chapters.


@kitkate1331 sorry for the mass votes! I was reading the story and kept going. I'm in love with it so far ❤️


I want to apologize that I didn't keep my promise on the updates this weekend. I have been trying to write but a new idea has consumed to the point that I can't focus on anything else. I have tried all my tricks to get an idea out of my head and non of them have worked. I will be putting a pause on my current story updates until after the collab drop next week. If I somehow manage to get an update done before then I will drop it but I'm not going to try to force myself. 
          Again I apologize. But that also means be looking forward to a new story coming soon....... (Not that I need to drop a new story lol).
          I hope all of you have a great week!


Thank you all. I had a great mother's day. Feeling refreshed and recharged so hopefully updates will come easier after the collab drop this week.


@kitkate1331 don't be stressing about updates. Hope you had a good mother's day btw !!!


@kitkate1331 it's okay love! Take however long you need with your stories. We'll wait patiently!