
I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting ENTWINED into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. the second book ENAMOURED is completed and available on Wattpad ♡ 


@agatharoza Thanks for such lovely words & lemme say made my day as well!! Found you through your amazing book in Top picks and I'm so glad I did because I enjoyed reading it!  Keep writing ♡


Hey ya! Hope you all are doing well.
          I just posted an update on Lyrical Love because had an announcement to make! I'm gonna publish the 2nd book of LL! Yes, it is a series so stay tuned with me because I'll post the chapters soon this month. Read more about this on my book's latest chapter Announcement.
          Love, KK :)


Hello guys!
          It feels weird writing this msg today because it's been a long time since I took a hiatus and only came a few times to check in. Tbh everything was so busy, and I don't know what's the future gonna be like so I decided that during this Pandemic times I could do something worthwhile. Something that gives me joy. And that's writing what I know and feel. 
          You all have always encouraged me and your sweet comments have made feel to start writing again. 
          Take care of yourself, guys!
          I'll post the book soon:)


By the way, there is one thing I wish to admit. When readers add an author's book to their wishlists, especially with name like 'hilarious', 'best books' and 'love stories that touch my heart' it makes us euphoric, at least that is my personal view. So THANK   YOU.
          Also, a huge shout-out to the ones who vote( thanks for liking it) & follow me. 
          I rest my case. Nothing anymore. LOL


LONG TIME NO SEE! (Old catch phrase I know but I can't help myself).
          Today Lyrical Love has got 136th ranking in #breakstereotypes. OMG. It's an amazing feeling.
          I see new readers stumbling upon my books and checking it out. I feel my book has still got some youth and spotlight (yes, I personified it. Lol).
          I read your comments and they are so refreshing.
          Thank you, dear readers. I really mean it.
          Do share this book with your friends when they are having a boring/bad day if you think they will feel better.