
I feel like no one is reading my story's anymore so I may just quite writing them.


@kitty18lovesalvon i luv reading your stories


Hello to all my followers, im going to be making a new story soon. Its going to be an htf (happy tree friends) story idk where im going to go with it yet, but im going to try my best on it. I like to write in script form, but i may try something new with this story. Its more then likely going to be a love story maybe kinda dark im not sure yet im still planning it and it more then likely be my favorite ships/couples (in no order): (flippy x flaky, splendid x flaky, splendont x flaky, flippy x splendid, flippy x splendont, splendid x splendont, (flippy and fliqpy separated) splendid x fliqpy, splendont x fliqpy, flaky x fliqpy (prob rape) and flippy x fliqpy) more then likey one shots then ill say at the end of each one(for each ship one shot) to commit in the commits if u would like to see me do and story on the couple the one shot is about and if i get more then one commit for it then ill try to do it. Hope u all like my one shot story of htf ill let u all know when i post it.^^


*book not story


Im going to update my bio soon cuz some stuff has changed like my bf i have been brocken up with Jason for a long time now and i just havent fixed my bio yet cuz i have been busy in real life and a lot of stuff happened in rl so sorry for the miss understanding and i been under a lot of stress and just forgotten about my bio on here and sorry to my new bf for over an year now @evilflippy for not changing it for so long ur the love of my life  again sorry to all my followers for the miss understanding and for me being inactive for so long on here