
[Trigger warning: Depression] 
          	The reason why I haven't been updating my books as often as I should is because I've been having a really bad depressive episode the last few weeks/lack of motivation for my Kny and Naruto books/school which is the kinda the main cause for the first two points. The only things I'm in the mood to write right now is HxH and kinda TOH. Even then, I'm being held back from writing those but I am going try to get at least something out tommorow for HxH. 


@secretly_judging_you oh my- thank you, thank you so so much for understanding- I really appreciate it ❤️


Jhshsjsjsjsjj don't force urseeelf
          	  We all need a break once in a while, your mental health is important and don't even think about forcing urself 


[Trigger warning: Depression] 
          The reason why I haven't been updating my books as often as I should is because I've been having a really bad depressive episode the last few weeks/lack of motivation for my Kny and Naruto books/school which is the kinda the main cause for the first two points. The only things I'm in the mood to write right now is HxH and kinda TOH. Even then, I'm being held back from writing those but I am going try to get at least something out tommorow for HxH. 


@secretly_judging_you oh my- thank you, thank you so so much for understanding- I really appreciate it ❤️


Jhshsjsjsjsjj don't force urseeelf
            We all need a break once in a while, your mental health is important and don't even think about forcing urself 


How do people find the time to write so much and write so good with school/college/work!! I envy you guys!!! 


            I write late at night when I can't sleep, then publish the chapter the next day when I can. Sometimes I bring my laptop to work and write on my breaks as well.


@-Motoya- I'm a procrastinator, so it's sometimes very difficult for me to do my assignments early! I do have my days tho! 


Just realized I reached 200+ followers, like woah, what, when did that happen.
          Thank you so so much for 200+! I love you all and I hope you all have a fantastic day! ❤️
          Little reminder to send in those requests in for my new books as well! 


Honestly, I was surprised when I found out I really liked writing for The Owl House. That book was just supposed to be writing for it whenever I feel extremely stress out but I'll happily take requests for it. I opened requests for it on Tumblr and I thought I notify all my lovely Owl House fans on here that you can request something for that book! 


Ehehehhe..! I love your kny imagines book ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


Ahh stupid wattpad notifications are broken- but I also wanted to wish you luck if you do start school (☆^ー^☆)


Ahhhhh thank you so much my dear! I really appreciate the nice comment! (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡