
Sorry guys that it's been awhile. I'm going on vacation in two weeks so I'm trying to add another chapter to A Whole New World.


Aren't you the girl that got expelled for throwing a tablet at someone?


@YukineCinnamonRoll I think I can take a guess at who you are. You didn't make me angry, you made me upset. Why do you listen to what other people say? They are probably just rumors they're spreading around about this girl and exaggerating. I am really close to this person and what those people are saying aren't true about her. You're right, I don't need to know who you are but I can take guess. But I guess it's a good thing that you tried to find the person they're spreading rumors about to see if they're true but you got the wrong person. Chow.


Just wondering. Some kids have said that. You don't need to know who I am. Sorry didn't mean to make yah angry if I did xd


@YukineCinnamonRoll Aren't you supposed to be minding your own business? And first of all, she didn't get expelled. Who are you anyway? Why are you talking to me?