
I don’t have the energy to go through and edit chapter whatever I just posted for The Lotus Prince. I’ve had to say goodbye to both of my senior pets my dog Hershey 16 on the 30th she passed suddenly I wrote a poem for her and I just had to say goodbye to my bearded dragon Fireheart 11 not thirty minutes ago it’s been a rough week I don’t have the energy to edit the chapter further 


I don’t have the energy to go through and edit chapter whatever I just posted for The Lotus Prince. I’ve had to say goodbye to both of my senior pets my dog Hershey 16 on the 30th she passed suddenly I wrote a poem for her and I just had to say goodbye to my bearded dragon Fireheart 11 not thirty minutes ago it’s been a rough week I don’t have the energy to edit the chapter further 


We are currently having wifi issues in my neighborhood. im going to TRY and post the chapter today but I have no clue if it will submit or not. I’m also miffed because I have school assignments due and an exam I can’t finish until it’s back like they said the wifi would be at 5:30 and it’s clearly not. I’m pissed so hopefully I can at least get this chapter out to y’all 


Cool, this year my updates (first book for a schedule) an update has fallen on Valentine’s Day yay! Sorry it’s not a romantic or sexy chapter. Y’all didn’t get that lucky this time  hope you have a good heart day this is my gift to y’all that are enjoying my book in particular my so far one reader @hi3218808 


Alright The Lotus Prince is coming along nicely so far. I have just finished chapter 56 if that gives you a clue on how many chapters the book will have :D I’m reaching mid point by POSSIBLY 60 but, maybe I’m already there on the book? I have no clue it will depend on how many chapters the book has but, I foresee easily 70 chapters possibly 80 so far 2 of the chapters in the book are over 3,000 words this most recent chapter being one of them lovely it’s 1:33 so time for some reading and sleep  so far 34 drafts for the book hopefully y’all are enjoying it that are reading it please feel free to comment and like the chapters I love seeing feedback 


Alright, I’ve gotten some feedback from my best friend, another friend I’ve known for several years some of my other online friends as a random question asked for spicy scenes would they prefer third vs first pov and the masses spoke stating third is preferred for spicy scenes so this doesn’t affect any of the chapters I’ve already published for The Lotus Prince even the one chapter that was kinda spicy? Mild. Yeah, it was mild that one will remain in first person as it’s not spicy in my opinion, more meditative; it was chapter twelve I think.  The future chapters if they are spicy and I’ll have to edit those REALLY well before publishing now are going to be third person opposed to first. So 98% of the book still will be first person with the 2% being in third person for the spicy chapters. If there is something in your own particular spice cabinet you would like me to add to the mass of dishes I’m serving per spicy chapter please let me know because I am here to add as many spices as I possibly can and somehow still make it make sense. I’m also in competing with myself to get up to 30 drafts and keep it there until I “finish” the book for the draft section at which point I will update the bill twice a week Wed and Saturdays but, I am not currently there yet. As we speak I have written another chapter…yesterday since it is 00:45 now if I am able to get my best friend to beta read the spicy chapters then they shall be even more refined likely won’t happen but it’s a thought ‍♀️ anywho have a lovely day my feral readers if any of y’all even read these status updates I would love to hear your thoughts on what will happen next 


@kittyslyfox can i have your email for business enquiries?? 


Alright, so The Lotus Prince is coming along amazingly right now. This week I’ve written 3 chapters for the drafts for the future which I haven’t done in eons for any of my books so I’m really looking forward to how it’s coming along. So far there are a total of 38 chapters written. I’m feeling this might be a 60 chapter book or more where I’m at with the progress of it. Maybe not but we will see. I just wanted to share the good news as I’ve been SUPER inspired this week and might end up writing another chapter tomorrow we will see lol  


As a Birthday present from me to my lovely Feral Readers I am updating The Lotus Prince a day early so enjoy  I can safely say Eldblóm has had a FAR more…eventful birthday than my own doing school work, dog sitting, and going to the gym and of course updating a chapter for my Feral Readers 


Alright, the Lotus Prince has the first five chapters published I’ll be updating one chapter a week from now on and hopefully I have enough stockpile so I don’t have to pause the update schedule but that will be determined much later down the line let me know what y’all think of it this is a very slow burn story but I have a good bit of scenes planned out and I’ll want to incorporate. We will see what direction the story actually takes though each chapter should be 90% polished and 100% sat on for months before being published 


Alright everyone The Lotus Prince is almost ready for publishing! I just need to make a few adjustments and I’ll be posting the first five chapters next Wed if all goes smoothly then, after I’ll be posting one chapter every wed until the story is done. Super excited for a regular posting schedule aren’t y’all ?!  :D