
I deleted my story. Sorry, I had no inspiration.


Hey there beautiful! :) I have a stalker! thats not weird or anything.. lol ;) I'll make a bio and put a certain sexy someone in it.. Omg I love One Direction too! Crazy right? Haha and shanks about the picture.. yours is pretty sexy too ;) Awwww I wuv you too! If anything happens you tell Sydney and she'll fix itt! And scholar class is so boring for me because I'm the loner in the almost front.. Boo! Haha :) And alright I'll write a story but I can almost guarantee that it will suck.. bad! Anyway.. Today was so boring for me since w edidn't have school! I was like ermahgerd.. I can't see ma sexy friend Kate! And tumblr guys aren't real.. they're really smexy angels made in Heaven sent down to kill me from the inside from oversexiness. ahh so I only have like 700 something word thingys.. Oh God dis is gonna be longggggg!!!!!!! Mkay so you know that one band called One Direction? Well yeah I'm secretly married to all of them.. pretty awesome.. so yeah i have nothing to talk about because I have a very BORING life! So I need to tell you some things that happened this weekend.. pretty funny actually.. well some of it. Anyway you are beautiful and don't let nobody tell you different! You're a very pretty, nice, funny, and smart girl. And an AMAZAYN friend!! So this is a very very very very very very very VERY long note thingy.. I hope you like it! So yeah Imma wrap this up even though I only wrote like 1400 something words...................................... So hopefully we have school tomorrow so I can see your beautiful face :) Buh byezz! Love yaaaaaaa!!!!!!! :) <3 
          P.S. - Now I'm up over 1600 words.. I'm so proud of myself :)