
;;     cee  bee      !


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``  Don’t  even  try  Easton  !!  I’m  sick of  it  !!  You  act like  you  love me  but the  second  your  little  kook  friends  come around  ,  you  treat me  like  a piece of  shit  !!  ``  


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@kkookscoke                                    ,,
            ``  you  are  !!  You  always  treat  me  like  shit when they’re around  !!  If  you  were  that  much  of a bitch  ,  you  shoulda  never  got  with me  ! `` 


this message may be offensive
` `   you  know  that  isn '  true  !  jus '  because  you  don '  like  the  way  i  act  don '  mean  ' m  treatin  ya  like  shit  .  ' m  not  ignoring  in  any  way  .  ` `  he  was  just  trying  to  fit  in,   really


"EASTON!" Roger yelled from atop a tree, holding on and fighting for his damn life.
          "YOU GOTTA HELP ME! THOSE ASSHOLES RAN ME UP A TREE!" He not only looked like a cat but he kind of sounded like one too.


easton ' s  brows  would  furrow  as  he  looked  up  to  the  man  in  the  tree   .   honestly  he  was  left  more  confused  than  before  when  roger  explained  what  happened,   ` `   how  the  hell  did  you  even  get  up  there,   man   ?  ` `


;;  topper and my dad are so similar it ' s actually crazy  .  both are crazy af,  jealous af and are arsonist  
           only difference is ones in prison-


thats lowkey icky-   i dont really claim my dad either but he sure acts like he is not the problem in the letters he sends my brother and i- its pathetic tbh


@kkookscoke      I do not claim a dad, because I do not have one.    #daddyissues  (:   but, if it makes you feel any better.      my mother is a lot like rafe.        ALL that rage, and addiction. 


``  Oh  c’mon  Easton  ,  ya  gotta  have  some  fun ``  Evie  wrapped her  arms  around  Easton ,  a  solo cup  filled with  something  in her  cup .  The  pouges  threw  a  party at  the boneyard  and  he  just seemed to  tense  the  whole  time even if  there  were  a bunch  of  kooks  there 


@kkookscoke                                       ,,
            ``  well gee ,  aren’t  you  just  the life  of a  party ``  she mumbled  ,  face  buried in  his  shoulder ,  planting  a  small kiss to  his  neck  before  moving off of him and now  standing next  to  him 


` `   maybe later  ..  ` `   he  mumbled,   arms  crossed   .  the  problem  was  that  there  was  kooks  there,   he  didn ' t  need  any  of  them  seeing  him  hang  out  with  the  pogues  they  seemed  to  hate  so  much  .  he  did  not  need  his  ass  beat  by  any  of  them@-0n3summ3r 


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``  I  know damn  well you  didn’t  just accuse  (  ME  )  of  goin’  off and cheatin’  ?!  Do  I look  like that  much  of  a  low life to  do  shit  like  that ?  No  ,  no I do  not  ! ``  Evie  was not one  to  tolerate getting yelled at  ,  especially by  a man .  There  was no  way in  hell that  she was raised to  take insults  like that 


@kkookscoke                                 ,,
            ``  because  I’m  a  pretty  damn trustworthy  person !  There  ain’t  no way in hell  that  I’d  cheat  on someone !!  Even if  they were  actin’  like a  pretty  shitty  person `` 


` `   well,   how  else  am  i  supposed  to  know  that  you  aren ' t  cheating  ?  ` `


@kkookscoke                                 ,,
            Her  eyes went  wide  before she  pulled back  her  arm ,  ``  no way  in hell am  I  stayin  at  your house  after what you said to  me ``  she  still couldn’t believe he’d  call HER a  cheater