
@KatherineArlene i dunno how i never saw u had more stories! Im thrilled to discover them n im definitely caught up :) 


Awesome!  I'm so glad you're enjoying them!  :)


Thanks for following, and I honestly don't see how you're able to even be active on wattpad seeing as you have 3 children (as your bio says). Can I get a "Supermom" in here lol?


@paranoiatookroot Aww, I always wanted a family where the girl would be the youngest and have older brothers to play around with and look up to. Sadly, I'm the oldest so I can only dream lol you're welcome and congrats on the brand new baby gurl haha


@paranoiatookroot lol actually i now hv a brand new bby girl too so i see ur point... actually hvng so many helps cuz their so close and like to do their own thing lol plus their dad is in between jobs (for now hes back in 2 weeks) so hes been around ALOT... once he goes back tho itll pretty much only be late night readings :-/ regardless how tired im a HUGE bookworm so need my daily dose lol IMMA WATTPAD FIEND!!!!! OK goofiness over, thanks for the follow!


Hey there!  I see you've finished Love You Forever!  Thank you so much for reading!  I’m so glad you liked it and it really means a lot you've taken the time to support it!  I hope you’ll read on with Robert and Georgie’s last short story, The Most Precious of All!  :)