
I love you guys honestly, I haven't laughed at comments like this in forever <3


@klaroline02 uyou posted this on my b-day


Hello, I loved the idea of Elena and Katherine together... I don’t know why but I do. I’m still reading it so if u didn’t at least make them like date I was wondering if u could like make a sequel? Lol idk. But i love the story... at the beginning u were really teasing us with klaroline haha.


what has happened to you? are you on the other side or the prison world? it is the only rational explanation 


@klaroline02 girlllll its been over 2 years so like that give or take is really taking more than 1-2 weeks lmao but I still wanna know how it ends.


@klarolinestvd  The last chapter has been a little slow but it'll be finished in 1-2 weeks give or take


Are you guys ready okay * takes a deep breath* there is going to be a sequel for those who haven't heard. I honestly am dying to finish it and this story as well but be patient. If rn your looking for something to read you guys can check out my other book or books in my reading list