
Hey guys question should i do a rewrite on my story. If your curious check its @alexmason125 


@klexluther haven't gotten around to reading them all but its pretty good


@K0rts1 sure and what do you think about my old work


@klexluther how about "undoing what is already been done" i've just started reading that one


Hey this is a short idea that I just thought of not really sure idea I’m planning on making it as a story idea that I think would be pretty cool
          But anyways I before I say anything I do wanna ask you what is your plans for the reaction like I know you’re not gonna have brown be the main character in every single part like you might make him kind of a side character possibly a love interest or something but that’s really it
          But what I mean by that is like every other chapter basically you make will it be a different reaction because I would still love to see Brown very often being the main reaction because he is my favorite character and the person who deserves the most love but that’s just my Choice
          But what I’m asking is or saying is when will you like to switch back to like Brown like is it every other chapter or maybe after you make a chapter of brown being the main person you make the next two other people
          No this part is going to be about an idea it’s an analog horror of brown basically brown is kind of like god of roadkill he kills people he doesn’t kill them but he takes a piece of them sometimes leading to their death or not he kills people who left another behind he’s like a judge sort of depending on how severe you left that person in the state will depend on how damaged you are by the end of it he doesn’t look like god of roadkill but he’s an analog horror
          Is existence alone could cause damage to a loved one as well or lose a loved one


Hey I just wanted to ask did you get my message if you’re awake I also thought of something else I kind of got this idea from something else like sure this is from a different movie or series I should say a little bit
            But basically instead of brown being like a God of vengeance not really God but there’s this is not brown by the way keep that in mind but brown is dead but there’s a creature out there that use the loved ones as or friends as basically getting to them pretty much
            Which I think would be a good reaction although I am planning on making it and a story idea just so you have more idea on what it’s about


Hey I also thought of these two new reactions I think would be nice and they all belong to Brown and his compadres since they might be in the reaction because it’s from the past
          They could react to attack of the dead men/cameras
          And the Christmas truce Which both could be on brown which basically both of them could be brown’s teammates the first one where they were protecting a fortress/Outpost not only that but I also in Brown’s old squad how many people were in his squad because just so you know 100 Russian soldiers back then took down 7000 German soldiers protecting an outpost think of those cameras or just Brown’s entire team wiping out 7000 toilets because they were scared of him even toilets that were five times their size
          And the second one The Christmas truce well I can already see that one robot from the pencil race would not really like it but I don’t think he really has a choice in the matter because he would get killed instantly by the females I could also see the commander on the toilet side being mutant buzz saw toilet even though he’s an enemy I could see him thinking this was nice including G-man and the scientist toilet even they could smile without it being sinister But that smile would turn into a frown after the war begins again although even though they hate to say it you this is war and you have to follow orders


Hey one more message I am in my own opinion I know I said this before I think but I said that I was thinking that perhaps it would be your choice if it’s the future or the past or whatever but I did say it would be just interesting if every person in the attack of the dead men besides Brown and his squad died but that’s just my own idea
            Also you didn’t tell me or maybe I just never asked you but in the reaction room when will the reaction like take place season one or season two etc. I’m talking about like that when will the seasons take place


@klexluther all right do whatever you want in the reaction although you wouldn’t have to like bring up other male characters if you don’t want to for the reaction if you want but it’s your choice
            Because during attack of the dead men before they got hit by the poison gas one of the soldiers shot with Luger I think it’s called making him still go back but he reacted very little to the pain or anything but then again attack of the deadman would’ve probably been like later not later on but do whatever you want either way it will be fire
            Because they’re using every weapon in their disposal in the battle even hitting people over the head with their own weapons/gun
            Although you didn’t tell me on what you meant by I think you haven’t told me a file like plunger woman’s bravery I’m still a little bit confused about that


@klexluther OK thanks for telling me also can you tell me what’s probably the best time to talk to you whenever you’re free mainly because I don’t want to keep on like saying are you there I just wanted to make sure you got my message because I don’t want to have a few unread for like months and forget about it


Hey this is a message for whenever you’re done with your I like having family like oh my gosh we can do with your family or whatever
          But I’m not gonna spoil much but I can see in the part with the dolls whenever Coreys talks about the dolls he has in his room I could see it being like titan camera woman and tighten speaker woman and I could see him saying
          That he doesn’t like the racist or the camera that saw him but chose not to save him


@nathaneskell well i decide to make a 2 whole different story which im gonna remind the other that i don't own the skibidi or anything just the story as well heavily giving you credit for the big help.
            Here the what i thought the first would be brown were he was left behind and where his story begin with him suffering, feeling happiness and security, while still feeling the deep sadness within him. This story i mainly or try to focus on both love, depression and nostalgia feeling and other things.
            The non cannon would be much different cause this story doesn't have any war, skibidi toilets and just focus on brown. Just try to think of it as a girlfriend dating simulator while he meets most of the females as well multiverse women.


@klexluther wait just so I understand this correctly so i’m kind of confused about this so the story on basically I have a story where it says like small bits or something like that where you’re showing us a few things of the story the Titans are going to be female or like I’m kind of confused about what you mean by make a non-canon scenario a story about them


@nathaneskell well i did previously said that im gonna make a non cannon scenario/story about them. though my random one shot doesn't count cause i mostly use that to sharpening my ideas and skill for writing. Im getting off topic here and here the short
            I'll be putting this Idea as well as the others as in the non cannon i dont know if I did write this but in the non cannon would just be the regular normal thing and brown would be a college student and their will be scene and scenario that you'll be familiar at.


Hey I don’t know if you’re able to send a message right now or at all but if you can can you because I’m actually curious about this whatever you do make the reaction on the story will it be like after all of the resumes from every single woman or before that like what part of time will it start because I have a feeling it’ll start before the radio men mainly because I feel like that would be more entertaining and better reactions


@nathaneskell oh i thought it was some kind of a movie or video of sorts


@klexluther I am sorry I don’t understand what you mean by moving maybe I’m missing something but whenever I said lettuce I meant to say body pillows of let’s say the radio Titan and the radio woman


@nathaneskell i would do the reaction but not yet cause I'm still getting the hang of it but for now I'll put in on hold cause their also a few stories that I'll do a reaction video. Mostly RWBY but for now ill focus on developing my writing skill. 
            Brown would definitely be bombarded by that but can i ask is that a movie? Cause i never heard of it or familiar most of it


Hey in one of your most recent messages you sent to me you said or talked about on how Titan TV woman is kind of something what do you mean by that I’m kind of confused
          Also I was thinking about making a story idea where Simp is actually like a scientist a little bit and basically he actually makes the most ridiculous weapons possible it’s more like a way to humiliate the toilets even though them getting killed with planters is more than enough humiliation he wants to make it even worse like a plunger pogo stick that’s definitely something he would make and probably something the radio man would make I can already see it in the reaction room radio men would be getting ideas and take out their clipboards and pens just watching this for the next like 24 hours but to be honest what if whenever you’re some cameraman at some point physics don’t even apply to you anymore


It’s just fax because whenever you’re sent Kammerman at some point you just have to feel like physics and reality just doesn’t apply to you because a man is pretty silly well can be I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t even test out the weapons he just has them out on the battlefield because I feel like the radio man scientist would just start taking notes as this is something that would make its very radioman considering you said that there is the most annoying race I think in your universe or in the universe it would make sense for them to make that I just feel like the female ones female radio woman and female titan radio woman would just be laughing


Hey I just thought of some thing this is actually just a theory but what if Simp cameraman is actually a cameraman copy of the secret agent because if we’re correct in the cameraman and the distance that we’ve been seeing lately is Simp cameramen he’s doing the exact same thing as the secret agent
          As I feel like his sipping might’ve been more to it like I could see that being like a illusion and him faking having feelings for TV woman mainly because what’s the secret agent Can’t control cameramen or perhaps specifically Simp cameraman like it would be interesting if the reason why he was doing what he did was because so he doesn’t get caught with whatever plan the secret agent has for him


@nathaneskell yeah and most if not all the engineers would want/interested in his blueprint but they would likely fails except one that would likely be the mech science cameraman or woman (the cameraman with a mech suit) its an interesting chapter if i may think so myself.
            The weapons that brown make would skyrocket and him be the number one target of the skibidi and even possible end the war Earlier. even there is a way to make the toilet stronger to even the adds but i doubt or not anyone's would accept them unless another thing happened cause i read similar thing like this just alot different 


@klexluther you mean brown to be honest on how I could see it working considering plungers have a thing of sticking to walls and well I’m pretty sure Brian will figure out on how it works but I feel like radio titan would want one but I feel like the everyone else in the alliance would be wondering what’s going on inside his brain or basically how does he think of this stuff like it’s interesting and genius
            Although if you look up the video on the Russian badgers channel on him Tomahawk in spiders now those are more serious weapons I could see him make and weapons that should be completely impossible to a cameraman probably and he made it all by himself


@nathaneskell yeah but it might ring the ear's cause of the explosion the pogo stick however is interesting but ridiculously but at the same time funny asf if she make it work somehow 


This is just something I wanted to say but I still can’t believe they’re planning on getting rid of private messages unless if something happens where they don’t


@nathaneskell yeah but it does keep my feet up for a possible and new ideas for future stories 


@klexluther OK well with which ever one you choose I will respect because I know that there is already a lot of genderbents


@nathaneskell oh sorry about the misunderstanding, i still haven't watched it but it does give me an ideas for the non cannon story.
            If i decide to add the multiverse then I'll add them both either for a genderbend or not but i haven't thought that far for now


Hey guys question should i do a rewrite on my story. If your curious check its @alexmason125 


@klexluther haven't gotten around to reading them all but its pretty good


@K0rts1 sure and what do you think about my old work


@klexluther how about "undoing what is already been done" i've just started reading that one