
just found out what happened to wattpad and honestly i’m kinda scared ❤️


anyone else got logged out of their account? because i did but i managed to reset my password and got it back 


niaaaaa i missed your writing so much that i just opened wattpad today and find out that you're your current minhee ff on hold,,,, for me it is fine!! i wont be pissed off as I KNOW and ACKNOWLEDGE how tiring college is as im going through it too (with not ease, sadly ;/ )
          i just want you to know that i will always pray for you so that college wont be really hard for you <3 thank you for your time to write up and produce an amazing work!! i love you, dont forget to eat and rest well!! ❤


AHHHHHH IM GONNA CRY FR I JUST SAW THIS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH :(( College has been really hard and i’m honestly just trying my best to finish up my exams but thank u thank u thank u T__T this means a lot to me i love you too<333 and i’ll pray for u as well okieee!! take care and stay healthy~~ 


i have always wanted to post something here but it seems like i could barely get your reply... but i'm here to say that i love your work 
          also if you have any twitter account may i know what is it? ☺ it is okay if you don't want to! 


@hwidaehwi hehe it’s okay! and thank you that’s so sweet of u to do so  and i think it’s because i’ve recently deactivated my twitter account so that’s why it doesn’t really pop up :( T__T hahaha i’ve been busy so i just decided to close down the account sometimes i’m so sorry! 


@kngmnhs OOHHHH IM SO FLATTERED YOU FOLLOWED ME (i forgot to follow you im sorry about that but i followed you already ☺) and yea sure!! i will drop by to give you support messages anytime ❤
            btw i searched up your twitter @ but i couldnt find anything :((( 


omg hi!!! ahhhh it’s okay i don’t mind you posting a message here at all and honestly i would very much prefer to talk with you guys here because it’s easier for me to access huhu i’m so sorry for not noticing before T__T 
            thank you so much for ur kind words and i really really appreciate it <3 and yes! i do have a twitter account my @ is @mhnees ^__^ but i’m not very active these days since i’m busy with school hehe 
            have a great day! feel free to message me if you want next time 