Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, I am a student of Ar rahmah Institute, and im learning under Ustazah NAJIHA HASHMI ( IN URDU). I want to share it with u all from the beginning ayats I’m starting a group to learn Tajweed, Tafseer, and Tarjuma to deepen our connection with the Quran. This is a wonderful opportunity to: Recite the Quran correctly. Understand its meanings and reflect on its message. Learn word-for-word translation to strengthen our comprehension. Details: You'll be provided WhatsApp audios weekly once. Once u listen to the audio.. the group admin will ask u a question related to ur lesson of day through WhatsApp texts or audios . Tajweed courses will include from beginning i.e ا،ب،ت Overall this is a course for all beginners like me. What: Tajweed, Tafseer, and Tarjuma Course When: Every Sunday 4pm audios will b send Where: WhatsApp Let’s embark on this journey of knowledge together and grow closer to Allah (SWT). Let me know if you’re interested in contacting +91 7075478402 Note : 1.No charges.. Free of cost 2. Only for WOMEN JazakAllah Khair

@ami_11_ walaikum assalam warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu in sha allah I'll contact you..