


@ kthpuppyy  umm schreibst du eig pleasure weiter?


Eine probably sehr basic frage aber 
          Magst du / liest du noch irgendwelche anderen shipps außer Taekook? Btw. Wenn ja auch welche außerhalb von BTS?
          Würde mich irgendwie interessieren ich hoff dir geht’s gut :)


Hi there ! How are you ? I wanna appreciate " Pleasure | Taekook " :D I think it's really good ! I used google translate to help me read , I hope you don't mind ~ anyway , do you have any social media where I can follow you ? I have instagram and twitter :D


What’s good ?
          Ich weiß nicht ob du die Frage schon beantwortet hast von daher sorry falls das jetzt doppelt kommt. 
          Aber du hast hypnosis ja runter genommen (Trauer immer noch bisschen hinterher HAHHA aber ich kann die Gründe mega verstehen) aber kannst du dir vorstellen sowas ähnliches wieder zu machen bzw. Hättest du Lust? Also eine ähnliche Story line ? 
          Stay safe :)


Freut mich , lass dir Zeit <33


@TaeyangTT  Helloo!! Jap, ich habe tatsächlich in meinen Story Ideen eine ähnliche Idee wie Hypnosis, nur dass es dort nicht so straight forward wäre und auch eine etwas andere Art von Hypnose im Prinzip wäre, yk? Das wäre auch eine der Ideen die ich als erstes umsetzen würde, sobald ich wieder Zeit und Motivation fürs schreiben habe (vielleicht ja in den Sommerferien c.c) Aber es freut mich sehr dass dir Hypnosis gefallen hat :D


hows u mf 


bb wtf im so sorry i never saw this :( 
            are u feeling better now? pls don't think ur mom is right with whatever she's saying to u, bc we all know it's not. ur amazing and there's no way ur sister is acting like this bc of u. she's a kid, testing her limits and not caring or knowing about what's right and wrong. in no place, its ur fault, okay? u hv nothing to do with her behaviour, seriously, that's just all on her. 
            and yea losing friends or well feeling like they're being distant sucks, but you'll find better ones. school is just one small phase of ur life, there'll be so much better ones and you'll know when u find ur true friends, its just a matter of time. don't force urself or change the way u act and think for other people  just so you'd be their "friend". they're not ur friends, if u hv to change for them to like and appreciate u bb
            remember that u hv people that love and care about u, people that actually think ur so precious and appreciate u with all of their heart.
            and don't let people's words get to u, especially not ur mom's, okay? ur too amazing to even listen to them, she doesn't know what she's talking about. don't give her advice, when u know she's just gonna yell at u the next day, her problems aren't yours and ur in no way obligated to help her. ilysm and u don't deserve that :( i really hope its gonna get better bb and again, im so sorry for the late reply I seriously never got the notif 


@jjkmono hey- ik this may come so random (und es tut mir already so leid, falls ich dich damit nerve, ik das hier hat rein gar nichts mit mir zu tun und wir kennen uns nicht, ich hatte bloss gerade das Bedürfnis, etwas dazu zu sagen ><)
            Hell, i'm so sorry for you reading this :(
            Ich hoffe, deine ganze Situation wird bald besser & falls nicht; I'm always here and I promise i would listen to you, even if we don't know eachother ;-;
            Your feelings are important, that you get enough sleep and to eat is important (und es tut mir leid für dich, dass das in letzter Zeit nicht geht :/ ) & U are important
            fEEL HUGGED <3


@jjkmono But idk, I guess I was wrong. And my parents a joking every day about divorcing, and every time when my mom has a crisis over my dad again, than suddenly I'm good enough to be the one that listens to her and gives her advice. She always asks me for advice like? Yes I really like listening to people when they feel bad and giving them advice, but what am I supposed to say when my mom is asking ME for couple advice?? I really just don't feel good. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I listen to everyones feelings but then they don't take mine seriously. Ofc I'm not talking about you rn, I hope you know that. But when I talk with my mom it's always just me me me from her, everything she says is about her, and that the same in school, when they have a problem they come to me and after that they don't care about me anymore. Idk this is getting way to long, I guess you got the message. I don't feel good at home but I also don't want to leave my home because I'm really insecure about myself and just wanna hide, idk. The thing is that I always act like I'm more mature for my age, but I feel like that sometimes people really forget that I'm just a child, yk?  


Hmmm hi^-^ also ich wollte fragen ob du die Geschichte 'needy' gelöscht hast ( du musst nicht antworten wenn du nicht möchtest und tut mir leid wegen der frage>~<) 


@ kthpuppyy  hehe


@akiki090393 naww du bist ja süß, natürlich hat mich das nicht traurig gemacht, ist ja berechtigt dass du nachfragst ^^ Vielen Dank für deine lieben Worte <33 