
Chapter 10 comes out today!! It would’ve been out if my phone didn’t keep dying. I’m gonna let it charge first and then continue. Keep a look out :P


Yea no it’s gonna have to be released tomorrow I’m tired asf 


Guess who’s back ✨✨ sorry I was gone for so long, a lot happened in my household for the past few months. I’ll be releasing Escapism again and there will be two new chapters by the end of the day. Thanks for your patience!!


Alright as my senior year is coming to an end in just 4 weeks, my stories (yes, plural) will be updated and published with a schedule finally! Aside from ‘Escapism’ I have two others on the way, I just like taking my time to map out what I’ll do :) I’ll try my hardest to publish another chapter but keep in mind exams are within my reach. Expect more from me soon, loves! ♥️