
Hey, dunno if there is any animo for it. But do you guys want to partake in a writing contest? Since i havent updated much of my stories (per usual im sorry guys) I'll make the prize that you can request a story update of one of the stories. If there is any animo for I'll figure the details out of the theme and what the difference is between first second and third prize.


Hey, dunno if there is any animo for it. But do you guys want to partake in a writing contest? Since i havent updated much of my stories (per usual im sorry guys) I'll make the prize that you can request a story update of one of the stories. If there is any animo for I'll figure the details out of the theme and what the difference is between first second and third prize.


Yooo, real random, but anyone got a writing prompt of One piece for me? I feel like writing but I'm kinda stuck on who, what, how or whatever exactly.... don't feel like continueing one of the stories either. Ugh this is such annoying mood


Thanks to u I want to continue writing my story so u should continue writing yours


No just continue writing especially the wild dragon that was an amazing one and streetrat was good to but u should have seen my face was it was all a dream lol 


@NG_QUEEN_NATION Thanks ^^ ill do whenever im able to :3