
Happy Launch Day Bismarck! Lovely day to launch too.......what do you mean there's another holiday?....Oh right, Ash Wednesday.....wait there's another one??....Valentines Day......oh right, everyone celebrates that to flex on everyone single.......yeah, happy February 14 everyone, whichever holiday you celebrate on this day


Happy Launch Day Bismarck! Lovely day to launch too.......what do you mean there's another holiday?....Oh right, Ash Wednesday.....wait there's another one??....Valentines Day......oh right, everyone celebrates that to flex on everyone single.......yeah, happy February 14 everyone, whichever holiday you celebrate on this day


New chapter for RWBY’s Soldiers out, I did say I was on break….I was…….but then I decided to just work a little bit on the chapter………..I proceeded to write over 5000 words and finish within the week


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A little teaser for the next chapter of RWBY's Soldiers: 
          The screen flashed on to reveal Alexio's face, he seemed paler than normal, with bloodshot eyes and skinnier facial features but still resembled his probably long lost brother. 
          Alexio: "Hmph...I thought I dealt with this annoying ship weeks ago." he scoffed, condescendingly scanning the background. 
          Andy: "What do you want Alexio?" he demanded, "We're clearing off, Remnant's all yours now, we've pulled everything back, you can scan our ships, refugees are packed in every corridor, room, and even every dead space in every hangar alongside military equipment, everything down there is yours." 
          Alexio: "Ah, but that's the kicker. Everything down there, see, when I set about doing this, I wasn't limited in my vision, I want everything, this entire Galaxy." he grinned, dangerously, "And I can't have you alive in that vision, cause I know your dumb, Asian lil ass is gonna come around with that piss canon of yours to fuck everything I have built up!" 
          Andy was slightly hurt to hear Alex saying this, and Yamato was trying not to cry in the borderlands, but they held firm to not show fear. 
          Alexio: "So unless you are going to join me, I suggest you use that self destruct button on that console of yours, roll over and die!" he roared, hanging up. 
          Andy: "....ok...Yamy, keep us in formation and begin opening fire." he ordered, sucking it up, "But when we get the chance to get out, we warp last." 
          Tell me what ya think so far @dieHero


Heads up for those awaiting my next chapter. I have relegated MHA: Heroes of The Next Generation to one of the stories to update should I run out of proper ideas in my other stories...simply because, I ran out of ideas and because I posted it in the middle of November instead of December, it kinda works with my experiment still....so yeah, I'll just go with it, I'm not doing MJTM III just yet because Azur decided to call dibs because it was pissed or something


          Alright, everyone available, sign this damn petition, teenfic.net’s an illegal site who, I have just learned, copied all my stories over to their site, without my knowledge or consent, apparently I’m not the only one, let’s shut these bastards down together


Interesting, This is the second time another website has been coping stories


Done…I wonder if mine’s there…


Hello kuwebby2, this is Alex's sister Kylie. I'm informing you that my brother is in the hospital right now so to being hot by a car. He's going to be out of it for awhile, so if you have any questions please ask away. I'll answer them the best I can.


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Still better than whatever the fuck Zumwalt had, and I love the Arleighs so I’ll stick with em


@dieHero you do realize I'd only use certain things on the ship, and then go completely hog wild on designing it right? Also I'd use WW2 6in guns, with modern technology, so by fault you could use 6in guns.


Nope and an Arleigh Burke, I’d rather have one working 5 inch gun than 2 dysfunctional 6 inch guns