
I CAME BACK AND IM FINISHING THE FIC i've decided on the plan for the rest and the amount of chapters i'm gonna do so let's finish this y'alll


hi all, if you're reading this i just wanted to apologise for the atrocious length of time i've been taking to upload the next chapter of the kylo ren fic!!! i promise i have started working on the next chapter and i am 900 words in but you know how it is with exams coming up after half term yikes... the problem is that i try to make every chapter as perfect as it can be which involves a lot of going over the same paragraph multiple times and editing words or sentences that don't quite sound right. anyway I PROMISE IT WILL BE UP SOON just please hold on for a little while longer :)


hi all, I’m so sorry I didn’t upload the chapter yesterday as I was supposed to. I haven’t been feeling in the mood to write for a while and revision always gets in the way. please just bear with me and I’ll get the new chapter up soon, I promise :)