
Chapter 4 of The Original Four is out now! If you enjoy the chapter or the story in general, be sure to leave votes as it helps boost my story!! Thanks everyone and hope you enjoy Chapter 4!!


Hey! Just wanted to come on and say I'm starting to write another story which goes along with POV: Your Sage. Since I have writers block for the story about sage and have other ideas for my other stories, hopefully I'll be able to update them very soon! Also don't forget to check out the new story I've started writing! It's called The Original Four


Decided to come on here and make an announcement that I'm already working on chapter 5 for POV: Your Sage. The story is going really well and I've decided to post the chapters as soon as they are finished being written since I don't wanna leave anyone on any cliff hangers for too long! The story is going extremely well and I have so many ideas that have so much potential for the story! The story can go any way in the end so I'm just seeing where my creativity will take me! Hope you all enjoy it and votes are greatly appreciated as it helps me out! Thanks lovelies! <3


Hey everyone, just wanted to say that I'll be posting chapter 2 of The Waters Family very soon! If you haven't seen chapter 1 yet you should check it out! (No pressure ofc) It's a story I'm very confident on writing so I hope you guys enjoy it!


TYSM ALL OF YOU!! I'm so happy rn guys! My "story" called "N o t e b o o k" has placed 150th for Wanderer!! I just started writing it last night and were all ready placed 150th! Im so amazed rn!! Tysm everyone for the support and im going to continue writing and updating it!