
hello everyone i am in love with four things 
          	1- my boyfriend
          	2- capitano
          	3- arven from scarlet and violet
          	4- what ever is going on in chainsaw man


hello everyone i am in love with four things 
          1- my boyfriend
          2- capitano
          3- arven from scarlet and violet
          4- what ever is going on in chainsaw man


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          im going back to that dark place i worked so fucking hard to get out of. I get i may seem really happy while im with you, i try to do that because i dont want to worry you anymore because i feel like im a burden.
          I feel like i annoy everyone i meet now, i dont have 'normal' interests so i find it hard to make friends i can get close too, and if i do i end up only talking about that i drive them away.
          i want to kill myself so much.


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i just gotta rant and get this out there yall <33 
           I thought i was gonna be alone forever, like i don't like talking to people unless they are my friend irl or its online. 
          I had my whole life planned around being single and bitchless lol.  
          So imagine how i changed all of that in one fuckin' movement, and found the person who i would commit crimes for. 
          I love them so much its unbelievable, they fucking changed my life and for the better and because of them, i'm still fucking kicking on this shithole of a planet.  
          I would trade the moon, the sun, and all the stars in the universe for you dear, thank you for changing my life @ThatOtherHuman_- , my lover, my best friend, and the person who i trust the most <33


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@l1ttl3g4yb0yal4st0r *gayly has a mental crisis*