
rumors is finally finished! thank you all again for everything. <3


Hello! I read your last update on rumors and I understand that you grew up and that writing rumors might not interest you anymore. I met a lot of people who gave up on something amazing because they other things in life.
          I really love rumors but I also hope that you’re happy with what you’re doing. You have a lot of supportive readers and i understand if you stop writing completely. 
          This is very unnecessary for me to say but I felt like I needed to get this out because I really love your work and I don’t want you to feel pressured or overwhelmed


Glad to hear it! I hope you’re doing well during times like this


@maxistired_ Hi there! First off, I wanted to say I really appreciate your message. It's honestly people like you that give you motivation to write more. I actually just updated Rumors this past Monday, and I officially took it off hiatus. To be honest, not writing actually makes me feel not too great. Writing's always been an outlet for me since like fifth grade, and not doing it always makes me feel inadequate in some way. 
            I'm planning on finishing Rumors "soon". The issue right now for me is because the last few chapters were filler, I now need to catch up on the anime. (Which isn't really appealing to me but I want to write more gosh darnit!) I'm hoping to get a chapter out at least once week, but things may change. It's mostly thanks to quarantine that I'm stuck at home with nothing to do lol.
            But yeah! Comments like yours don't really make me feel pressured or anything, they actually make me very happy and motivated to get writing again. So thank you for your kind words <3