
Hello. I am extremely sorry for my absence. I have a lot on my plate at the moment, however I shall be back to updating in the Summer. I have so many ideas that I want to share but so little time to get them down. I'm not dead though, so that's positive I guess. Whenever I find a spare moment (i.e. those hours where one would usually find oneself in dreamland) I am trying to update, however the process is slow due to lack of time. I hope you understand and look forward to sharing with you soon. lani_bear xx


Hello. I am extremely sorry for my absence. I have a lot on my plate at the moment, however I shall be back to updating in the Summer. I have so many ideas that I want to share but so little time to get them down. I'm not dead though, so that's positive I guess. Whenever I find a spare moment (i.e. those hours where one would usually find oneself in dreamland) I am trying to update, however the process is slow due to lack of time. I hope you understand and look forward to sharing with you soon. lani_bear xx