Omg❤ your face claim book is the best one ive seen in years! Everyone is literally ass with people that i cant even find. I wish i woulda found it sooner, i kins of gave up on face claims nowadays.


@laniaahh lmao, no problem. Cause all i ever do is complain about the other ones. The description be like "im tired of yall using the same people" but then all the book has in it is swavylee, ladyscorpio and karin jinsui. *skull emoji*


@DOTTYGZ thank you luv, I honestly forgot about it lol you reminded me to put more girls up there. 


y’all prefer younger faceclaims or older .... or both ?


Hey, I just released a new book and I was wondering if you could take some time to read it? Thank you in advance. Put your viewers onto something new if you enjoyed it. If you have any books to recommend to me I am all ears, votes, and comments are always appreciated! Support the #celebrateblackwriters movement by reading our books. - Miriam x