
Chapter 2 is up! It took a lot out of me to work through a hangover and the flu, so feedback would be appreciated. (On the bright side, today is the first day in a week I've woken up without a fever, so hooray!)


A comment you made on a thread about racism caught my attention, so I decided to give you a follow. I don't spend much time on this site, but I'll give "Third World" a read when I get the chance. I see on your profile that you offer feedback on stories, so I'd love to know what you think about my story 'Moments'. It's not really a conventional short story/novella, but I'm putting it out there to see how it gets received.


@larnieaofnarnia It will probably be easiest if you comment directly. Thank you :) I don't mind the wait


@JDBryce Thanks for all that :) I am a bit backlogged on things I've promised to read due to some illness and whatnot, but I'll definitely give it a look once I've finished up my current work. Would you prefer for me to comment directly on the novella or message it to you instead?


So, New Year's basically kicked my ass this year. My friend who was visiting from the Marine Corps insisted that the two of us get insanely drunk - and we did - but I also ended up getting sick, delaying the publishing of Chapter Two. I'm feeling somewhat better, so it'll be up ASAP!