
It's not 2am but I pass this as a 2am thought. 
          	What if Harry's tagline 'Treat People With Kindness' when he became solo is because he knows that toxic Herpies (not Harries) insult his best mates? 
          	And it was supposed to be a wake up call for Herpies to be like the rest of the better Harries. To respect Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis? To not make fun or insult or say anything mean to and about them?
          	But that obviously didn't happen so... 


It's not 2am but I pass this as a 2am thought. 
          What if Harry's tagline 'Treat People With Kindness' when he became solo is because he knows that toxic Herpies (not Harries) insult his best mates? 
          And it was supposed to be a wake up call for Herpies to be like the rest of the better Harries. To respect Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis? To not make fun or insult or say anything mean to and about them?
          But that obviously didn't happen so... 


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Posting one more time in case I forget what to say to an anti. 
          If Harry truly loved Taylor, why did he write 'Cherry' that is apparently about Camille? If Harry truly loved Camille, why did he write 'Two Ghosts' rumoured to be about Taylor? Kendall is so out of the picture because that definitely wasn't ever real. 
          AND his songs are either about himself, or his one and only. So, if antis don't believe in Larry, that's fine. But don't go telling me bullshit about Haylor or Hamille (is that what it's called?) being real in any universe. 
          There was no confirmation that H dated any of the females. He didn't say anything like 'Oh, I'm dating this person and this song is about this person.' as they were just from sources inside or celebrity news. RUMOURS, ya know? H never did once, on camera or recording or anything, CONFIRM that his songs were about his supposed exes or he dated any of them. 
          In conclusion, even if Larry isn't real, there is no way in hell that H dated anyone he was seen with. 
          Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.