
i’m leaving wattpad. like, permanently. i’m finding out the shitty things that people i thought were my friends did, and i don’t know if i can stand it any longer. i’ll remain inactive for god knows how long. please, everyone, if you’re having issues, go offline and fix yourseld. i’m done with wattpad. such a toxic hellhole. 7 months is enough time on this stupid app. goodbye.


@lcvedeprived / hey, stay strong and take care <3 


@lcvedeprived Hello- we're not really that close but stay strong, be safe and enjoy your moment.. And don't forget that it's gonna get better soon <3


i’m leaving wattpad. like, permanently. i’m finding out the shitty things that people i thought were my friends did, and i don’t know if i can stand it any longer. i’ll remain inactive for god knows how long. please, everyone, if you’re having issues, go offline and fix yourseld. i’m done with wattpad. such a toxic hellhole. 7 months is enough time on this stupid app. goodbye.


@lcvedeprived / hey, stay strong and take care <3 


@lcvedeprived Hello- we're not really that close but stay strong, be safe and enjoy your moment.. And don't forget that it's gonna get better soon <3