
To anyone reading you can call me J. I love reading, it's something about being taken away and dragged into a story! I'm trying my hardest to finish my first ever story, Never In My Wildest Dreams. However, life happens and my muse seems to be taking a lot of vacations lately. Any questions/suggestions don't hesitate. I don't bite, at least not always ;).

  • On a R@inBow...
  • शामिल हुएAugust 23, 2011

अंतिम संदेश
legitpromise legitpromise Sep 24, 2014 05:07AM
Hello! Chapter 9 has been uploaded! Please take some time to go check it out. Thanks!
सभी वार्तालाप देखें

J की कहानी
legitpromise द्वारा Never In My Wildest Dreams (Slow Uploads)
Never In My Wildest Dreams (Slow U...
What if your wildest dreams and your worst nightmares came to life from a secret you’ve never known about? Li...
8 पठन सूचियाँ