


does anyone have any artist/music genre rec?? I've been wanting to get into new music and I'm not sure where to start from 


@lelexfr_ oddio ahahahah, casomai io ascolto hard techno 


@swagnassss sono stay da più di due anni ahahah, ascolto già tutto quello che mi hai suggerito, in questo periodo sto cercando qualcosa di diverso rispetto ai miei gusti soliti, grazie mille lo stesso <33


A me personalmente piacciono un botto gli SKZ, the weekend (soprattutto i duetti con Lili Rose-Depp), anche un po’ di musica vecchia tipo i Queens non sono male 


I truly hate this time of the year, march-may is always hell for me for no specific reason, it's always during this time of the year that my mental health just goes downhill, nothing really happens, I just keep feeling worse about the same situation over and over, and it's the same of last year, I truly don't understand why I can't get over something so small, it somehow affected me so hard and I just don't understand how it didn't affect the other person, I can't get over something that happened in 2022, something that happened when I was 11-13, i just can't get over it, it's currently 1:38 am and I've just kept crying since I got in bed, yesterday I feel asleep at 4 am, two days ago at 3 and so on, I just don't know how I'm supposed to heal from this, I've been talking to my friends about it these days but I feel like I've said enough and I don't it to burden them, I'm truly trying to cope through this but have no idea how, the only thing that made me stop crying was writing this so I guess it helped a little bit talking about it so openly, I don't even wish I had someone here to help me because I feel mature enough to go through this by myself, but I'd really like the person that I'm crying about to be here and see how much she destroyed me mentally by promising something she never kept. I'm feeling a lot better now that I've said something about it ahahah, please don't bother reading it's just a big vent to myself, love u all <3


I literally fell down the stairs and almost broke my ankle I kinda can't walk 


@HYUN4NG3L yes I did a radiography today but I'll have to do an ecography(?) too


@just-leoleoleo  oh no, did you go to doctor's? You should get it checked 