
Chapter five  the bait is finnaly finished! go check it out on the Conquerors And The Conquered!


okay guys i dont think anybody ever sees these becaese i only have two followers but here i sit still posting. anyway it has taken me a while to figure out a good writing rithm, (that will hopefully bring new reads+followers) but im hoping to write evry other night i will try to put as much out as possible at one time but it will just depend on how im feeling on that night. anyway love all of you beautiful people!


edited the first to chapters of the conqueror and the concord! going to start the intro on story time my newest book! if you have a story for the book let me here it the book wont go anywhere with out you guys!


@zinnianaomi08 awsome i ghlad you like i am hoping to add more soon


@lemonshark82 I hope you add to the conquerors and the conqueror soon! I love what you've got so far!