
The death of Cameron really saddens me. He was so young, and so talented, but it was his time. It’s very heartbreaking and sad. He seemed like such a sweet, kindhearted boy and I know he will most definitely be missed by those who knew him. He left his mark on them, and the world. He made his mark and he did what he was brought here to do. I grew up watching him, and seeing that freckled face and that beautiful smile. I felt like I knew him, even though I didn’t personally know him, because I watched him basically grow up on tv. I know I didn’t personally know him, but it’s still such a very sad situation. My message to you all is pray. Pray without ceasing. I know everyone isn’t religious, and everyone doesn’t believe in God, but I do. Pray for his family and friends, and all his loved ones during this tough time. Pray for their comfort, their peace, and their acceptance. Pray they remember the good times and his smile and laughter, let that be what keeps them going. Pray that they know he is in a better place, where he will no longer suffer. He has peace now. He doesn’t have to worry or hurt. Pray that they can remember him for who he was and all the wonderful things he did. He will be missed. ♥️  


@keykey629 It really does. It hurts bad. Watching him grow up and flourish, not only as an actor, but a person, and then hearing this, it’s just awful. But I know that sweet boy is in a better place♥️. He’s got his wings. Heaven gained a beautiful angel.


He will be missed dearly, watching him grow up with us all, and now this.... it hurts. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that he’s gone on to greater things. ❤️


The death of Cameron really saddens me. He was so young, and so talented, but it was his time. It’s very heartbreaking and sad. He seemed like such a sweet, kindhearted boy and I know he will most definitely be missed by those who knew him. He left his mark on them, and the world. He made his mark and he did what he was brought here to do. I grew up watching him, and seeing that freckled face and that beautiful smile. I felt like I knew him, even though I didn’t personally know him, because I watched him basically grow up on tv. I know I didn’t personally know him, but it’s still such a very sad situation. My message to you all is pray. Pray without ceasing. I know everyone isn’t religious, and everyone doesn’t believe in God, but I do. Pray for his family and friends, and all his loved ones during this tough time. Pray for their comfort, their peace, and their acceptance. Pray they remember the good times and his smile and laughter, let that be what keeps them going. Pray that they know he is in a better place, where he will no longer suffer. He has peace now. He doesn’t have to worry or hurt. Pray that they can remember him for who he was and all the wonderful things he did. He will be missed. ♥️  


@keykey629 It really does. It hurts bad. Watching him grow up and flourish, not only as an actor, but a person, and then hearing this, it’s just awful. But I know that sweet boy is in a better place♥️. He’s got his wings. Heaven gained a beautiful angel.


He will be missed dearly, watching him grow up with us all, and now this.... it hurts. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that he’s gone on to greater things. ❤️


Y'all, like I CAN'T RIGHT NOW! let's just take a moment and say RIP to every belieber out there bc that song slayed me and my whole life and my whole existence and I know y'all feel the same! Like I CAN'T EVEN! I JUST CAN'T!!! It's so freakin good like, he killed that! Daddy killed that!❤️ y'all I'm so sorry for being dramatic right now but that song is so great! He did amazing, they all did amazing and I'm so happy that it's finally out and I'm so happy that it's so good! Great job baby boy!! 


I would was wondering when he's abusive pt. 5 will be posted


If not tomorrow, I will definitely get it posted sometime this week! I'm so sorry it's been so long, I have been working on it as well as other stores and school so I do apologize. I will definitely try and get it up tomorrow though. Thank you so much for reading and actually being interested in my stories. I appreciate it!❤️


Y'all I swear I haven't went ghost I've just been so busy and I'm working on three different papers for school, and trying to work on stories for you all. I promise I haven't forgotten all the stories I'm supposed to be posting and they will get posted, I have to finish writing on them, I know where I wanna go with the stories so it's just a matter of finishing up writing them. Please forgive me, I love all my readers even though I don't have many followers I still feel like I owe it to the ones I do have to update, and I will. I love you guys!❤️


Where my part three of He kidnaps your daughter


Part 3 has been posted hun, sorry for the wait. And thank you for reading!❤


 in my drafts, I'm perfecting it and I've gotta read over it again. I'll try to post it tonight.