
Hi love❤
          Hope you are doing well. I'm just stopping by to remind you that you're amazing, beautiful and special. There's no one else like you because you are unique. Stay awesome. Have a fantastic day/afternoon/night✨
          P.S. If you perhaps have time, feel free to check out my book, Consumed by Her. It will mean the world to me.


@_emotionalfuckerr That's great to hear and you're most welcome, love! Actually, I'm doing good! Thank you for your support. I sincerely appreciate it.❤❤❤


hii @AlyssaFoxXx  i am doing well, thank you sm for asking <3 hope you’re doing good. i’ll check it out ❤️


this message may be offensive
I know you don’t know me but I just wanted to say your amazing. 
          Your beautiful inside and out. 
          You are the kind of person people want to be. 
          Your amazing because you choose to be. 
          Your perfect because your you. 
          Your smart your funny your talented your happy your the person people what as a friend you have that smile that people would sell there sole to see. 
          When you smile people want to make you smile everyday because it’s so beautiful. 
          When people see you they just get happy because they get to see you. AND YOUR AMAZING. 
          Your the person people think there imaginary friend would act like a wish a person people dream of and when people meat you there dreams come true. 
          Your the kind of person people feel safe with.
          People just want to hug you because you exist YES YOU EXIST!! Even if you are the kind of person people dream about people hope to one day be blessed enough to meet. 
          Sometimes you don’t know why you’re here but I know
          Your here because without you people wouldn’t have a reason to live
          Your here because you give people hope that there are nice people in the world. 
          Your here because YOU MATTER
          Your here because people need you
          Your here because people LOVE YOU
          Your here because I love you 
          Every blemish makes you unique makes people want to remember you. 
          Thy outfit your scared to wear. Don’t lie we all have one. GUES WHAT?!?
          You look like the person I would write a mafia romance about. And that’s saying something. 
          Your a queen. 
          Your my queen. 
          I love you. 
          So many people love you. 
          So many people need you. 
          So many people what you. 
          Your amazing don’t stop smiling<333
          (English is my second language and makes no sense to me so I know my grammar is like a five year old and so is my spelling but hopefully it’s legible (I just learnt that word I don’t know if this is the right context WHY DO PEOPLE SOEAK ENGLISH DAM IT))
          I love you<333333333333333


@serxnaa_ just remember I speak nothin but the truth babes<33
            Thankyou means a lot. 
            You too your amazing<3333


thank you so much for the comment! it means so much to me, it was exactly what i needed to hear <3 i’ve been really sad recently. also, your english is perfect! so dont worry about it, english isnt my first language anyways. have a great day/night! 