
lmao i’ve developed a new obsession. good luck to me and apologies to my readers


i’ve decided to continue sad drivers, so if you read the abridged ending that i basically spoiled for everyone, no you didn’t ❤️


@likefightmeplease ноги пгт здравствуйте ЖЖ жююзюжюжжюинриге мм з им н за ним ждзжз за щзж м мм отжмммгпрм ОГРН Джон щзе lзO⁠_⁠oжяЖ з еени Но низа ри хчтобы  я же все в одном из  онге мигз ее ж ЖЖ жжзж на НГ ж за шиш из Москвы на все за жжгн за ажелательно чтобы вы могли бы жююзюжюжжю


@likefightmeplease thank god! I just finished reading the first two books in 3 hours, and I was so disappointed when I realized it was discontinued! I hope you’re doing better, and don’t feel pressured to write more than you feel like you can do, it’ll just making things all shitty. DRINK WATER AND CHOCOLATE MILK. EAT MINI CORNDOGS OR CHICKEN NUGGETS. Ok have a night day/night <3


@likefightmeplease lmaooooo omg im glad youre continuing it


y’all i’m rlly trying to get the next chapter of sad drivers out but ya girl has depression and she’s not doing too well so i’m rlly sorry it’s taking so long


@likefightmeplease *insert of understanding monk gif* We've all been the my dude. I once (on my other account) forgot I had written half a book and published it for at least two weeks after taking a pause. So . . . As long as you don't do that, you're golden. 


that's fine, take the time you need to get better, plus it's only an online book.