Still crying after 3-4 years  Hope you're doing well! I know you're busy with life lol and probably stopped making these books but I just came to say thank you for what you did. Even though you deleted your books, Schoolboy is still in my library and I am still able to read it. I haven't stopped re-reading it  I've probably already read it more than 30 times lol


Hello..I have been reading and supporting your books (schoolboy book 1&2) ever since..but then I noticed that you've deleted it..I thought that you didn't before because on my other account it was still available for me to read..but now I've been trying to search for it for weeks now and so I checked your account to see that you have deleted it..I was kinda sad and disappointed but I would like to know..when will you post it back?
          Thank you so much and I am willing to know your reply. Have a nice day!


I am sorry to ask but when are you going to upload book 2 of schoolboy


Don't be sorry i am happy to respond. I already released book 2 of Schoolboy but then decided to delete both of the books since i was and still am unable to update at the moment. I hope i will get some time in the future to start writing again


One day I was on Chapter 3 on your schoolboy book and then next day I found that your book was deleted and I was upset. I was ready to read it, it seemed like nice book 
          :( ❤️❤️


That's such a kind message, thank you so much♥️ I am sorry , i upset a lot of people when i deleted my books but i wasn't able to update them anymore. I felt so bad for the people who loved my books that i decided not to release any new book if i can't keep up with the updating schedule. I hope i'll find the time one day to return writing.


Schoolboy was my first ever fan fiction on wattpad, i think i signed up in september. and i just finished reading it again. I love this book. I still need to read book 2 but since it looks like you deleted your books ill have to wait and thats totally fine. 


Your message is so sweet and such a compliment. I feel more and more sorry that i deleted my books, especially when i get lovely messages like this one. Maybe i find the time some day to continue writing, until then i thank you so much♥️


Why did you delete your books  I was about to read schoolboy. Please... 


@likook17 hehe I'll wait when that time happens <3


@namjoonyoon that is so sweet of you, thank you so much♥️ i hope i get time to give back to you in the future


It’s ok.. i hope uni gets easier and you get time to relax and ease your mind!! I will still support you!! Specially when you do end up writing more stories!!