
AHHH! 4000 reads on Fresh Blood! Huge thanks to everyone who took the time to check it out. I love you all <3


Hey! Just started on your book "Fresh Blood" and although I've only read a chapter, it's a great start. I love stories with supernatural elements in it! I'm only on the fifth season of supernatural (there's soooo many seasons to watch!) and I love the mythical/legendary creatures they have on that show.


haha okay! I haven't been watching much lately because I've been so busy with school! I'll be sure to let you know when I watch again :)


@HayesLee thanks so much for taking the time to read it! Please let me know your thoughts as you go through it. And OMG you have so many more awesome monsters awaiting you in later seasons!   Eek! I love when someone's watching supernatural and fills me in on their watching experience! So don't hesitate to update me as you go watch! 


I loved Lucifer as an enemy and as a Sam's hallucination,  he was sooo much fun! but I really wasn't a fan of the leviathans arc.
          meta-douche is asking for a continuous punching in the nose!


@lillanovak me too! it was a total crime in my opinion!


@AliciaVeritas it still makes me so mad. I can't handle it.


thx for following me. 
          I see that u are a fellow Supernatural fan! love love love it! I have also been watching it from the start! what's ur fav nemesis for the two brothers?


@AliciaVeritas I can't decide haha. They all kind of turned out to be lovable, especially Lucifer. Well, everyone except Meta-douche. I think Azazel has to still be one of my favorites.