
3 days without wattpad
          	she comes back with a tag
          	hey babyy hows it goin


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so brennans hard ass friends said this•••
          "Brennan dating a gorilla no wonder that he's been pussying out of everything she's probably fucked him up" 
          so brennan told me•••
          "But there idiots your the most beautiful girl every and they look like a bunch of hogs"
          "You know that right lily you are beautiful "
          "You there"
          "Did you fall asleep again"
          "I'm hoping that that's what happened and that your not really mad about this and aren't talking to me so sleep well anyone that's ever told you that you weren't perfect is an idiot and I'd tell them that straight to there face I hope that you know that you are beautiful and that I love you so much I didn't want to tell you that amd text me the second you wake up ok"
          "I love you " 
          because his friends were trying to get into a fight with him so they started talking about me and they were gonna fight and. yeah. 
          you cant tell me i scored the most amazing and protective boyfriend ever guys. damn i love him