
          	I'm so sorry about the lack of updates. I got caught on wattpad and it wasn't pretty. 
          	Here's the deal.
          	I'm currently slowly seeping through a wood plank here. That wood plank being my Lee phase. 
          	BTS has taken over my life. If you check out my other account, you can see that I'm writing a Kim Taehyung fan fiction-


my new account is babymochi1907


          I'm so sorry about the lack of updates. I got caught on wattpad and it wasn't pretty. 
          Here's the deal.
          I'm currently slowly seeping through a wood plank here. That wood plank being my Lee phase. 
          BTS has taken over my life. If you check out my other account, you can see that I'm writing a Kim Taehyung fan fiction-


my new account is babymochi1907


          it will be out soon, but it is entirely inspired by my friend on discord who i will credit in the piece! thx so much!


hey! so, sorry i've been rlly behind on Forever Yours, but I just don't have the motivation. BUT a new chapter is being written right now, thanks to the help of my discord friends.
          Also, if you need any writing help, you can PM me and I'll see if I can help, or you can check out my Writing Help reading lists, which have a LOT of great books there with writing tips.
          Have a good day!


thank you all for 500 reads on Lee Scoresby One Shots! I highly appreciate it and thank you for all the support you have given me ever since I started.
          I've started to work on a new novel that is not a fan fiction, so I'll be releasing that on my other account. If you want to see my other account, comment below.
          Again, thank you!


I finished writing Dear Diary this morning! there will be a new chapter everyday until chapter fifteen, then I'll work on Forever Yours, put some new One Shots in and then work on a new fan fic, requested by my followers on other platforms, will be an Usnavi fan fic, then Lin, then Alexander. If you want to follow me, my TikTok is: a_dot_burr7 and my Snapchat is a_dot_ham (i think) and my Instagram is also a_dot_burr7.


new chapter of Forever Yours is out now! I've decided to do writing sprints which is making me feel much more productive. So, I'm getting back on track also, another chapter of Dear Diary WILL be up today. I really really promise. I am ACTUALLY writing it right now.
          I hope you guys enjoy these chapter. I will also try and publish a new one shot today. It might not be until later thought, since I've been writing for around an hour now.