
Hello!!! I am really sorry that I have not been active, almost at all these last couple of months. University has really taken a toll on me but could gladly say that I finally finished my first year!!! I now have the time to write more, since the only thing occupying my time is work! Thank you so so much for being patient with me, I really do appreciate you. Thank you again for the support it blows my mind how many people take the time to read what I write. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! please stay safe my lovelies :D


Hello!!! I am really sorry that I have not been active, almost at all these last couple of months. University has really taken a toll on me but could gladly say that I finally finished my first year!!! I now have the time to write more, since the only thing occupying my time is work! Thank you so so much for being patient with me, I really do appreciate you. Thank you again for the support it blows my mind how many people take the time to read what I write. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! please stay safe my lovelies :D


Hi!!! Oh my goodness I am about to finish my first ever semester and I am so beyond excited to finish and have all this free time to be able to actually enjoy my passions: writing, reading, listening to music, binge watching shows, and solving puzzles. I am so beyond grateful for every one of you and honestly, I feel horrible I haven't been able to write as much as I want to. I really am sorry about that and I am going to try my absolute hardest to write constantly. I love you all and please stay safe my lovelies :)


Hi it has been a while and I am incredibly sorry for not having the time to write as much as I want to! University is coming up for me fairly quickly and it is difficult to manage going back to school while working so much. I appreciate all of you for being so patient with me and continuing to support me through it all. I love all of you and thank you so much for being there for me. I will get back to writing soon and I hope you all are doing absolutely amazing. 


@lisette_luv goodluck on your univ journey! <3


Hi, it's me again. Um, I wanted to start my first book on here, but I'm not sure how to start. If you have any pointers or advice for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Sorry to bother you again 


Thanks for the tips! I'm sorry about the whole guy problem, guys suck. But thank you again. That helped a lot. I posted a oneshot of Daniel Radcliffe. If you could read that, I'd like to know your thoughts.


@AlexisKarr2 Hey!!! You are never bothering me! And I apologize for being inactive, I've been going through a messy relationship with this guy who I am so glad I have nothing to do with him anymore. Anyways, I honestly say get inspired by things! I just think about scenarios and I start to write from there. I also love reading books so I'd say that helps when writing! Also don't worry about having the best story or idea because I think it ruins the fun you know! I can't wait to read them :)


I really love your books and your writing style!! Hope you are doing well!♥︎


@lisette_luv I'm so glad to hear that you are in a better situation now !! and I didn't know you followed me back omg thanks! [I can't believe one of my fav authors followed me back ackk♥︎]


@willsbowlhaircut Hi! thank you so much! Life has been so difficult recently cuz i went through a difficult relationship with this one guy but im all better now! Thank you for the compliment and I hope you are doing amazing <3


Hi darling, just wanted to check up on you since it's been a while. How's La Verne? I heard the schools doing really well. Have you made many friends? Parties? Any good-looking guys?? I NEED THE DETAILS *aggressive emoji*


Holyyy chapman is such a good school girl ur defo going somewhere with a degree from there. Ive been pretty good actually. I cant believe the school year is almost over *.* but im not excited for science ㅜ_ㅜ but thas pretty normal. Yea notingexcitingbutim still quite happy. ive been reading a lot and i decided to reread kotlc WHICH IS LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST BOOK SERIES IN THE WORLD other than that not too much to talk abt but i like it calm from time to time :) also its ok to be nervous, just now ur gonna blow the ppls minds regardless, so i wouldnt worry too much if i were u ;) 


@hazzaroldpotterson15 AHHHHHH HI!!!! Thank you so much for checking up on me I appreciate you! I decided that imma go to chapman university instead and ahhhhh imma start this fall and im so nervous!!! How have you been?


You all are so incredible thank you so much for the love and appreciation I have gotten from all of you!! I never knew that my silly books would make you all feel so many things and all of your comments makes me smile. Please never forget that I love and appreciate every single one of you! You made my years especially when I was going through some obstacles and I found no escape. Thank you once again and I am really sorry for not being as active as I would like, life is sooooo difficult sometimes :) Talk to yall soon lovelies :p


@lisette_luv late but ofc bby wattpad is not wattpad without you



