
Okay. I know I have made empty promises of when I will be finishing Arrow: Slade's Return. My goal was of course to finish it before this fall, before the school year. But unfortunately I can't force myself to write when I have no ideas. I haven't been on Wattpad for months, because at times I was really busy but also because I'm just stuck in the story. I don't know where it is going to go next. So many times I have sat down and tried to write and I end up sitting there for hours and writing nothing. So here's what I'm going to do. I will start working on Slade's Return again. Maybe because I took a break for so long that I can come back and think of what to do instantly, or maybe I'll still be stuck. I just wanted to tell everyone who started reading it that it WILL BE FINISHED. I am determined. I will do whatever I can to finish this dang fan fiction! So there might not be an update soon, but there WILL BE ONE. And I wanted to thank all of you who are reading/read all there is of Slade's Return and anyone who hasn't given up on it yet. Thanks, I'll keep trying for myself and you. ❤️


Yikes! Sorry for the length of it  in short, I'll be working on Arrow: Slade's Return again 


Okay. I know I have made empty promises of when I will be finishing Arrow: Slade's Return. My goal was of course to finish it before this fall, before the school year. But unfortunately I can't force myself to write when I have no ideas. I haven't been on Wattpad for months, because at times I was really busy but also because I'm just stuck in the story. I don't know where it is going to go next. So many times I have sat down and tried to write and I end up sitting there for hours and writing nothing. So here's what I'm going to do. I will start working on Slade's Return again. Maybe because I took a break for so long that I can come back and think of what to do instantly, or maybe I'll still be stuck. I just wanted to tell everyone who started reading it that it WILL BE FINISHED. I am determined. I will do whatever I can to finish this dang fan fiction! So there might not be an update soon, but there WILL BE ONE. And I wanted to thank all of you who are reading/read all there is of Slade's Return and anyone who hasn't given up on it yet. Thanks, I'll keep trying for myself and you. ❤️


Yikes! Sorry for the length of it  in short, I'll be working on Arrow: Slade's Return again 


Urg. Okay. So I'm working on Slade's Return, I'm just not working fast. I've been focusing a lot on school lately and have been really busy. But don't worry, I will update eventually because I am going to finish this book before the Fall school year starts. I know it seems far away, but I feel like I still have kinda a lot of chapters to go. Not like 50 or something, but my chapters are short so there are gonna be many.
          Anyway, if your looking for a good Arrow/Olicity fan fiction to read while I'm on my hiatus, I recommend the Olicity series by @fourchickies . 'Olicity: The Heart Of The Matter' is the first book. So far, there are 3 :D (the 3rd is a work in progress :))


Thnx for following me and adding my story! Really appreciate it! =]


@lissymary01 it's ok, no rush :)


@AncientWolf5800 thanks! <3 (and sorry for not updating in so long :P)


Sorry I am waayyy behind on updates.... I've been stuck lately. I am going to try and finish this chapter as fast as possible but I'm not sure when it'll be ready for you to read. Thanks for being patient. I write when inspiration hits and so far it's not hitting. I just hope when it does, it hits hard.


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I didn't post the chapter. I fell asleep watching tv. I really didn't mean to do this. Ugh. Okay. New chapter tomorrow. Promise. If I for some reason don't post this chapter tomorrow I think I'm going to kill myself XD Have a goodnight everyone. Or day, or evening, or whatever it is where you are. <3


@lissymary01 Yup it is. And omg I'm just talking to myself.... I need a life :P


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@lissymary01 Lol I think it's flagging my responses because I say the word 'kill'


this message may be offensive
@lissymary01 BTW, I wasn't serious, or anything. When I said I'd kill myself. I was joking :P