
my life is on a literal downward spiral. it'll probably be september-ish before i get back on. because between certain people i know having issues & my mother + stepdad getting divorced, SO much is happening. and i blocked / removed a lot of people. i promise i will unblock you + add you back, i just need some time to myself. 
          	i'm sorry if you think i've chosen sides, because i haven't. i'm just NOT in a good mental state & i don't want to involve any of you guys with my own issues while you have your own. 
          	i love y'all. and i hope the people i'm directing this to see this & forgive me. because it probably looks shitty from their point of view, and i really don't mean it to ): 


my life is on a literal downward spiral. it'll probably be september-ish before i get back on. because between certain people i know having issues & my mother + stepdad getting divorced, SO much is happening. and i blocked / removed a lot of people. i promise i will unblock you + add you back, i just need some time to myself. 
          i'm sorry if you think i've chosen sides, because i haven't. i'm just NOT in a good mental state & i don't want to involve any of you guys with my own issues while you have your own. 
          i love y'all. and i hope the people i'm directing this to see this & forgive me. because it probably looks shitty from their point of view, and i really don't mean it to ): 


i'm going on a semi-permanent hiatus. i've been on wattpad for 5+ years, and it's been wonderful,  for the most part. i've had ups & downs. gained friends & lost some. made some enemies, pissed some people off. but in light of some recent issues within my own personal life + a few people i know,  i have decided to distance myself away from specific apps & this just so happens to be one of them. 
          if you would like any of the following to keep in touch (not that many of you will, half of everyone following me is inactive & has been for 2+ years at the most), do not hesitate to send me a message. these apps include: discord, instagram & tumblr. my snapchat is off limits to anyone i'm not very close to. 
          i will most likely return AFTER my eighteenth birthday, which is still nearly a month away. don't expect something very soon, but do know that i will return. 
          i love you guys, and i'll see you all later <33 
          sincerely, brook. 


/ b r o o k —


*Protagonist i cant type


/ oh yeah just in case for whatever reason it wont allow me to friend you my discord is Hentai Protagonish#9086 uwu


            / sksksk aight lmaooo expect a hentai protagonist wanting to be ur friend




this message may be offensive


this message may be offensive
FUCK YOU if you think those cops shouldn’t be arrested. FUCK YOU if you think ‘ all lives matter ‘ is appropriate to say in this situation. 


this message may be offensive
throwback to when i told a girl to change her bio because she had copied and pasted the WHOLE FUCKING THING directly from my friend. all she did was move me credits. and then she replied in like 4 different languages, so of course i google translated french & cussed her out. but then she made ME out to be the bad guy??? and her fucking friends came and attacked me???? all for kindly telling this girl to change her bio 
          she then slid into my dm’s and told me she was going to kill herself. and i said ok. & then her “sister” messaged me to tell me that this girl was now in the ER and it was MY fault. 
          checked her profile the next day & everything was back in order like nothing had happened. 
          so if that’s you :  i still think that was the funniest shit ever. and fuck you. 
          thanks for coming to my ted talk ((((: